(計算時間: 0.021秒, 共找到 65215 筆資料,顯示第 901 到 1000 筆)
許可證字號 主或次項 代碼 英文分類名稱 中文分類名稱
內衛藥製字第009169號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
內衛藥製字第009169號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
內衛藥製字第009171號 20040400 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Antianemia drugs/Iron preparations 鐵製劑
內衛藥製字第009171號 20040400 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Antianemia drugs/Iron preparations 鐵製劑
內衛藥製字第009171號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第009171號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
內衛藥製字第009171號 88120000 Vitamins/Vitamin C 維生素C
內衛藥製字第009174號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第009174號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
內衛藥製字第009174號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第009187號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第009187號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第009188號 48000000
內衛藥製字第009188號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
內衛藥製字第009188號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
內衛藥製字第009188號 04040000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines 第一代抗組織胺劑
內衛藥製字第009188號 28089200 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Analgesics and antipyretics, miscellaneous 其他止痛劑及解熱劑
內衛藥製字第009188號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第009188號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第009188號 88000000
內衛藥製字第009188號 28209200 Central nervous system agents/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants, m 其他厭食劑、呼吸及大腦興奮劑
內衛藥製字第009201號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
內衛藥製字第009208號 08309200 Anti-infective agents/Antiprotozoals/Antiprotozoals, miscellaneous Antiprotozoals, miscellaneous
內衛藥製字第004803號 56160000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Digestants 消化劑
內衛藥製字第004803號 56160000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Digestants 消化劑
內衛藥製字第004803號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
內衛藥製字第004803號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
內衛藥製字第004809號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第004809號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第004811號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第004823號 52160000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Local anesthetics 局部麻醉劑
內衛藥製字第004823號 72000000 Local anesthetics 局部麻醉劑
內衛藥製字第004823號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第004824號 48160000 Respiratory tract agents/Expectorants 袪痰劑
內衛藥製字第004824號 48160000 Respiratory tract agents/Expectorants 袪痰劑
內衛藥製字第004824號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第004825號 68080000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Androgens 男性激素
內衛藥製字第004829號 88000000
內衛藥製字第004829號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
內衛藥製字第004829號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第004829號 88120000 Vitamins/Vitamin C 維生素C
內衛藥製字第004830號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
內衛藥製字第004830號 88160000 Vitamins/Vitamin D 維生素D
內衛藥製字第004830號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
內衛藥製字第004832號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
內衛藥製字第004835號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
內衛藥製字第004835號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
內衛藥製字第004837號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
內衛藥製字第004837號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
內衛藥製字第004837號 52020000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Antiallergic agents 抗過敏劑
內衛藥製字第004837號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
內衛藥製字第004838號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
內衛藥製字第004838號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
內衛藥製字第004838號 12120804 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/β-Adrenergic agonists/Non-selective β-adrenergic agonists 非選擇性乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第004838號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
內衛藥製字第004838號 28120400 Central nervous system agents/Anticonvulsants/Barbiturates 巴比妥類
內衛藥製字第004840號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
內衛藥製字第004841號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
內衛藥製字第006303號 04040000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines 第一代抗組織胺劑
內衛藥製字第006303號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
內衛藥製字第006303號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第006303號 04040000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines 第一代抗組織胺劑
內衛藥製字第006306號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
內衛藥製字第006306號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
內衛藥製字第006308號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第006308號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第006309號 56000000
內衛藥製字第006309號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
內衛藥製字第006309號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
內衛藥製字第006310號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
內衛藥製字第006312號 68080000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Androgens 男性激素
內衛藥製字第006312號 68080000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Androgens 男性激素
內衛藥製字第006312號 28209200 Central nervous system agents/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants, m 其他厭食劑、呼吸及大腦興奮劑
內衛藥製字第006312號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
內衛藥製字第006312號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
內衛藥製字第006312號 88120000 Vitamins/Vitamin C 維生素C
內衛藥製字第006312號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
內衛藥製字第006313號 56000000
內衛藥製字第006313號 56160000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Digestants 消化劑
內衛藥製字第006313號 56920000 Gastrointestinal drugs/GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
內衛藥製字第006313號 56080000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antidiarrhea agents 止瀉劑
內衛藥製字第006313號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000338號 84040808 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Azoles Azoles
衛署藥陸輸字第000338號 20160000 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Hematopoietic agents 血液增殖促進劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000338號 84040808 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Azoles Azoles
衛署藥陸輸字第000339號 08122000 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Sulfonamides 抗生素-磺胺藥
衛署藥陸輸字第000339號 20160000 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Hematopoietic agents 血液增殖促進劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000339號 08122000 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Sulfonamides 抗生素-磺胺藥
衛署藥陸輸字第000340號 08121608 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Penicillins/Aminopenicillins 胺基青黴素類
衛署藥陸輸字第000340號 20160000 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Hematopoietic agents 血液增殖促進劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000340號 08121608 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Penicillins/Aminopenicillins 胺基青黴素類
衛署藥陸輸字第000341號 68200400 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Antidiabetic agents/Biguanides Biguanides
衛署藥陸輸字第000341號 20160000 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Hematopoietic agents 血液增殖促進劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000341號 68200400 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Antidiabetic agents/Biguanides Biguanides
衛署藥陸輸字第000342號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000342號 20160000 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Hematopoietic agents 血液增殖促進劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000342號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000343號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000343號 20160000 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Hematopoietic agents 血液增殖促進劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000343號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑