(計算時間: 0.019秒, 共找到 65215 筆資料,顯示第 3101 到 3200 筆)
許可證字號 主或次項 代碼 英文分類名稱 中文分類名稱
衛署藥陸輸字第000452號 28089200 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Analgesics and antipyretics, miscellaneous 其他止痛劑及解熱劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000453號 08120200 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Analgesics and antipyretics, miscellaneous 其他止痛劑及解熱劑
衛署藥陸輸字第000453號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥製字第001350號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第001350號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥製字第001350號 88000000
衛署藥製字第001350號 04042000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines/Propylamine Propylamine衍生物
衛署藥製字第001353號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第001353號 56160000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Digestants 消化劑
衛署藥製字第001353號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第001353號 88000000
衛署藥製字第001353號 56920000 Gastrointestinal drugs/GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
衛署藥製字第001353號 88120000 Vitamins/Vitamin C 維生素C
衛署藥製字第001358號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥製字第001358號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥製字第001363號 48080000 Antitussives 鎮咳劑
衛署藥製字第001367號 08120800 Chloramphenicol 抗生素-氯黴素
衛署藥製字第001369號 08121604 Natural penicillins 天然青黴素類
衛署藥製字第001386號 28080492 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥製字第001387號 40120000 Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥製字第001393號 56920000 GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
衛署藥製字第001398號 08121800 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Quinolones 抗生素-恩菎類藥
衛署藥製字第001400號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥製字第001400號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥製字第001401號 84040400 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antibacterials 抗生素類
衛署藥製字第001401號 84040400 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antibacterials 抗生素類
衛署藥製字第001413號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
衛署藥製字第001413號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
衛署藥製字第001420號 84049200 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Local anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他局部抗感染劑
衛署藥製字第001426號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥製字第001428號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第001437號 08121608 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Penicillins/Aminopenicillins 胺基青黴素類
衛署藥製字第001440號 04042000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines/Propylamine Propylamine衍生物
衛署藥製字第001440號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第001440號 04042000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines/Propylamine Propylamine衍生物
衛署藥製字第001443號 28080424 Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署藥製字第001446號 08121608 Aminopenicillins 胺基青黴素類
衛署藥製字第001448號 48080000 Respiratory tract agents/Antitussives 鎮咳劑
衛署藥製字第001542號 86160000 Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥製字第001543號 28080424 Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署藥製字第001549號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥製字第001560號 40120000 Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥製字第001561號 40120000 Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥製字第001563號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
衛署藥製字第001577號 28160428 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Tricyclics and other norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors 三環類與其他正腎上腺素回收抑制劑
衛署藥製字第001577號 28160428 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Tricyclics and other norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors 三環類與其他正腎上腺素回收抑制劑
衛署藥製字第001580號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
衛署藥製字第001582號 04042000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines/Propylamine Propylamine衍生物
衛署藥製字第001582號 04042000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines/Propylamine Propylamine衍生物
衛署藥製字第001584號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥製字第001584號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥製字第001585號 24083200 Cardiovascular drugs/Hypotensive agents/Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors 週邊腎上腺抑制劑
衛署藥製字第001585號 24083200 Cardiovascular drugs/Hypotensive agents/Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors 週邊腎上腺抑制劑
衛署藥製字第001599號 28080492 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥製字第001600號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥製字第001600號 88200000 Vitamins/Vitamin E 維生素E
衛署藥製字第001600號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥製字第001601號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥製字第001601號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署成製字第010150號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010150號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010150號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010159號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署成製字第010159號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010159號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署成製字第010159號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010160號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署成製字第010166號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010166號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010166號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010167號 84049200 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Local anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他局部抗感染劑
衛署成製字第010214號 84049200 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Local anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他局部抗感染劑
衛署成製字第010267號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署成製字第010267號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署成製字第010267號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010267號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010268號 56120000 Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署成製字第010316號 84080000 Antipruritics and local anesthetics 止癢劑及局部麻醉劑
衛署成製字第010316號 84920000 Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署成製字第010317號 84080000 Antipruritics and local anesthetics 止癢劑及局部麻醉劑
衛署成製字第010317號 84920000 Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署成製字第010319號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署成製字第010319號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010319號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署成製字第010320號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010320號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010321號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署成製字第010321號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署成製字第010321號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010321號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010322號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010322號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010322號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010322號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署成製字第010365號 56280000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiulcer agents and acid suppressants 抗潰瘍劑及胃酸抑制劑
衛署成製字第010365號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010365號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署成製字第010365號 56280000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiulcer agents and acid suppressants 抗潰瘍劑及胃酸抑制劑
衛署成製字第010389號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署成製字第010389號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑