(計算時間: 0.038秒, 共找到 65215 筆資料,顯示第 52201 到 52300 筆)
許可證字號 主或次項 代碼 英文分類名稱 中文分類名稱
衛署藥製字第048248號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥製字第048249號 84040804 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Allylamines Allylamines
衛署藥製字第048249號 84040804 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Allylamines Allylamines
衛署藥製字第048250號 84040804 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Allylamines Allylamines
衛署藥製字第048251號 52240000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Mydriatics 散瞳劑
衛署藥製字第048252號 28080492 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥製字第048266號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
衛署藥製字第048267號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥製字第048268號 52240000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Mydriatics 散瞳劑
衛署藥製字第048269號 84049200 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Local anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他局部抗感染劑
衛署藥製字第048270號 84040804 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Allylamines Allylamines
衛署藥製字第048271號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
衛署藥製字第048272號 68040000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥製字第048274號 28129200 Anticonvulsants, miscellaneous 其他抗痙攣劑
衛署藥製字第048275號 08121800 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Quinolones 抗生素-恩菎類藥
衛署藥製字第048276號 84060000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-inflammatory agents 抗發炎劑
衛署藥製字第048276號 84060000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-inflammatory agents 抗發炎劑
衛署藥製字第048276號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥製字第048277號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
衛署藥製字第048278號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
衛署藥製字第048278號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
衛署藥製字第048279號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥製字第048279號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥製字第048280號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
衛署藥製字第048280號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
衛署藥製字第048282號 08120708 Carbapenems
衛署藥製字第048283號 48080000 Respiratory tract agents/Antitussives 鎮咳劑
衛署藥製字第048284號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥製字第048284號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥製字第048285號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥製字第048286號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥輸字第017227號 68080000 Androgens 男性激素
衛署藥輸字第017229號 12120812 Selective β2-adrenergic agonists 選擇性第二型乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第017238號 56281200 H2-antagonists H2-拮抗劑
衛署藥輸字第017240號 68040000 Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥輸字第017244號 68120000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Contraceptives 避孕藥
衛署藥輸字第017244號 68160400 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Estrogens and antiestrogens 女性激素
衛署藥輸字第017244號 68320000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Progestins 黃體脂酮類
衛署藥輸字第017247號 36000000
衛署藥輸字第017250號 04920000 Antihistamine drugs/Other antihistamines 其他抗組織胺劑
衛署藥輸字第017250號 04920000 Antihistamine drugs/Other antihistamines 其他抗組織胺劑
衛署藥輸字第017252號 40282400 Thiazide-like diuretics 類?治類利尿劑
衛署藥輸字第017256號 08122816 Glycopeptides
衛署藥輸字第017259號 68040000 Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥輸字第017260號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥輸字第017260號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥輸字第017261號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第017267號 68040000 Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥輸字第017271號 88200000 Vitamins/Vitamin E 維生素E
衛署藥輸字第017274號 88280000 Multivitamin preparations 綜合維生素製劑
衛署藥輸字第017275號 36660000 Diagnostic agents/Pituitary function 診斷用藥-腦垂體功能
衛署藥輸字第017281號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第017283號 92360000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Disease-Modifiying Antirheumatic Drugs Disease-Modifiying Antirheumatic Drugs
衛署藥輸字第017288號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第017289號 36000000
衛署藥輸字第017292號 24289200 Cardiovascular drugs/Calcium-channel blocking agents/Calcium-channel blocking agents, miscellaneous 其他鈣離子通道阻斷劑
衛署藥製字第042087號 48000000
衛署藥輸字第017295號 08120604 First generation cephalosporins 第一代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥輸字第017296號 52020000 Antiallergic agents 抗過敏劑
衛署藥輸字第017296號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第017303號 40282400 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Diuretics/Thiazide-like diuretics 類?治類利尿劑
衛署藥輸字第017303號 40282400 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Diuretics/Thiazide-like diuretics 類?治類利尿劑
衛署藥輸字第017304號 84920000 Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥輸字第017311號 84060000 Anti-inflammatory agents 抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第017312號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第017312號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第017320號 08080000 Anti-infective agents/Anthelmintics 驅虫劑
衛署藥輸字第017329號 84040808 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Azoles Azoles
衛署藥輸字第017332號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署藥輸字第017332號 28080424 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Salicylates 水楊酸類
衛署藥輸字第017335號 84040808 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Azoles Azoles
衛署藥輸字第017337號 84040808 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Azoles Azoles
衛署藥輸字第017346號 68160400 Estrogens 女性激素
衛署藥輸字第017348號 68320000 Progestins 黃體脂酮類
衛署藥輸字第017349號 44000000 Enzymes 酵素類
衛署藥輸字第017353號 56040000 Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥輸字第017356號 08140800 Azoles
衛署藥輸字第017357號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第017359號 28080492 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第017362號 52082000 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 非固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第017364號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第017369號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第017369號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第017377號 08120604 First generation cephalosporins 第一代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥輸字第017380號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥輸字第017380號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥輸字第017380號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
衛署藥輸字第017380號 52020000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Antiallergic agents 抗過敏劑
衛署藥輸字第017387號 28160832 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antipsychotics/Thioxanthenes Thioxanthenes
衛署藥輸字第017391號 56281200 H2-antagonists H2-拮抗劑
衛署藥輸字第017394號 08121800 Quinolones 抗生素-恩菎類藥
衛署藥輸字第017400號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
衛署藥輸字第017402號 28080492 Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第017406號 36000000
衛署藥輸字第017407號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
衛署藥輸字第017410號 52400800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Antiglaucoma agents/β-adrenergic agents β-adrenergic agents
衛署藥輸字第017414號 08120604 First generation cephalosporins 第一代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥輸字第017419號 08120604 First generation cephalosporins 第一代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥輸字第017446號 36000000
衛署藥輸字第017450號 08121292 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Macrolides/Other macrolides 其他巨環類