(計算時間: 0.058秒, 共找到 65215 筆資料,顯示第 53001 到 53100 筆)
許可證字號 主或次項 代碼 英文分類名稱 中文分類名稱
衛署藥輸字第023390號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第023391號 56281200 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiulcer agents and acid suppressants/H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists)
衛署藥輸字第023391號 56281200 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiulcer agents and acid suppressants/H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists)
衛署藥輸字第023392號 56281200 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiulcer agents and acid suppressants/H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists)
衛署藥輸字第023392號 56281200 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiulcer agents and acid suppressants/H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists H2-拮抗劑(H2-antagonists)
衛署藥輸字第023393號 08120612 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Cephalosporins/Third generation cephalosporins 第三代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥輸字第023394號 68200400 Biguanides
衛署藥輸字第023395號 24080000 Cardiovascular drugs/Hypotensive agents 降血壓藥
衛署藥輸字第023395號 40282000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Diuretics/Thiazide diuretics Thiazide類利尿劑
衛署藥輸字第023395號 24320800 Cardiovascular drugs/Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors/Angiotensin II receptor antagonists 血管收縮素II接受器拮抗劑
衛署藥輸字第023396號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第023397號 28089200 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Analgesics and antipyretics, miscellaneous 其他止痛劑及解熱劑
衛署藥輸字第023397號 28089200 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Analgesics and antipyretics, miscellaneous 其他止痛劑及解熱劑
衛署藥輸字第023397號 28209200 Central nervous system agents/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants, m 其他厭食劑、呼吸及大腦興奮劑
衛署藥輸字第023397號 28249200 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮,鎮靜及安眠劑
衛署藥輸字第023398號 48102400 Respiratory tract agents/Anti-inflammatory agents/Leukotriene modifiers Leukotriene modifiers
衛署藥輸字第023399號 48000000
衛署藥輸字第023399號 28209200 Central nervous system agents/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants, m 其他厭食劑、呼吸及大腦興奮劑
衛署藥輸字第023399號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第023399號 28089200 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Analgesics and antipyretics, miscellaneous 其他止痛劑及解熱劑
衛署藥輸字第023399號 04040000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines 第一代抗組織胺劑
衛署藥輸字第023399號 48080000 Respiratory tract agents/Antitussives 鎮咳劑
衛署藥輸字第023400號 24289200 Calcium-channel blocking agents, miscellaneous 其他鈣離子通道阻斷劑
衛署藥輸字第023401號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第023402號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第023402號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023402號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第023403號 88240000 Vitamins/Vitamin K activity 維生素K活性
衛署藥輸字第023404號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第023405號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第023405號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第023405號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023405號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第023405號 88200000 Vitamins/Vitamin E 維生素E
衛署藥輸字第023406號 24060800 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
衛署藥輸字第023407號 68040000 Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥輸字第023408號 56080000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antidiarrhea agents 止瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第023408號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023408號 56080000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antidiarrhea agents 止瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第023409號 28249200 Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮,鎮靜及安眠劑
衛署藥輸字第023410號 20240000 Hemorrheologic agents 影響血流力學藥物
衛署藥輸字第023411號 04080000 Second generation antihistamines 第二代抗組織胺劑
衛署藥輸字第023412號 56920000 GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
衛署藥輸字第023413號 68280000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Pituitary 腦垂體
衛署藥輸字第023413號 68280000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Pituitary 腦垂體
衛署藥輸字第023413號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023413號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第023414號 8121608
衛署藥輸字第023414號 08121608 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Penicillins/Aminopenicillins 胺基青黴素類
衛署藥輸字第023415號 04049200 Miscellaneous衍生物 Miscellaneous衍生物
衛署藥輸字第023417號 56240000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Lipotropic agents 趨脂劑
衛署藥輸字第023417號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023417號 56240000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Lipotropic agents 趨脂劑
衛署藥輸字第023418號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
衛署藥輸字第023418號 52160000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Local anesthetics 局部麻醉劑
衛署藥輸字第023418號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
衛署藥輸字第023418號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第023419號 08121608 Aminopenicillins 胺基青黴素類
衛署藥輸字第023420號 28129200 Anticonvulsants, miscellaneous 其他抗痙攣劑
衛署藥輸字第023421號 28129200 Anticonvulsants, miscellaneous 其他抗痙攣劑
衛署藥輸字第023422號 52402800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Antiglaucoma agents/Prostaglandin analogs Prostaglandin analogs
衛署藥輸字第023423號 68202000 Sulfonylureas 磺基尿素類
衛署藥輸字第023424號 56120000 Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第023425號 24240000 Adrenergic blocking agents ?-腎上腺抑制劑
衛署藥輸字第023426號 20120408 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Antithrombotic agents/Anticoagulants/Coumarin衍生物 (Coumarin derivatives Coumarin衍生物 (Coumarin derivatives)
衛署藥輸字第023427號 28080492 Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第023428號 28160492 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Antidepressants, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮劑
衛署藥輸字第023429號 28129200 Anticonvulsants, miscellaneous 其他抗痙攣劑
衛署藥輸字第023430號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第023430號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023430號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第023431號 68300800 Somatotropin antagonists
衛署藥輸字第023432號 68040000 Adrenals 腎上腺素
衛署藥輸字第023434號 56920000 GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
衛署藥輸字第023435號 28080492 Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第023436號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第023437號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023437號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第023438號 56320000 Prokinetic agents
衛署藥輸字第023439號 28080492 Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第023440號 20121800 Platelet-aggregation inhibitors 血小板凝集抑制劑
衛署藥輸字第023441號 12121200 α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第017867號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第017867號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第017868號 28160832 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antipsychotics/Thioxanthenes Thioxanthenes
衛署藥輸字第017869號 28160832 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antipsychotics/Thioxanthenes Thioxanthenes
衛署藥輸字第017870號 12120812 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/β-Adrenergic agonists/Selective β2-adrenergic agonists 選擇性第二型乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第017871號 12120812 Selective β2-adrenergic agonists 選擇性第二型乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第017872號 88160000 Vitamin D 維生素D
衛署藥輸字第017873號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
衛署藥輸字第017878號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署藥輸字第017878號 84280000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Keratolytic agents 角質溶解劑
衛署藥輸字第017878號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第017896號 24060600 Fibric acid derivatives
衛署藥輸字第017897號 84040808 Azoles
衛署藥輸字第017899號 56040000 Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥輸字第017902號 08120604 First generation cephalosporins 第一代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥輸字第017907號 40120000 Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第017908號 40080000 Alkalinizing agents 鹼化劑
衛署藥輸字第017909號 88200000 Vitamin E 維生素E