(計算時間: 0.029秒, 共找到 65215 筆資料,顯示第 60301 到 60400 筆)
許可證字號 主或次項 代碼 英文分類名稱 中文分類名稱
衛署藥輸字第010515號 88280000 Multivitamin preparations 綜合維生素製劑
衛署藥輸字第010515號 40120000 Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第010515號 20040400 Iron preparations 鐵製劑
衛署藥輸字第010517號 08122400 Tetracyclines 抗生素-四環素類
衛署藥輸字第010537號 08149200 Antifungals, miscellaneous
衛署藥輸字第010538號 84920000 Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥輸字第010578號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第010581號 52280000 Mouthwashes and gargles 漱口劑及含漱劑
衛署藥輸字第010581號 44000000 Enzymes 酵素類
衛署藥輸字第010587號 88080000 Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第010587號 88200000 Vitamin E 維生素E
衛署藥輸字第010587號 56120000 Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第010592號 24069200 Antilipemic agents, miscellaneous 其它降血脂藥
衛署藥輸字第010593號 52049200 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-infectives/Anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他抗感染劑
衛署藥輸字第010593號 52049200 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-infectives/Anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他抗感染劑
衛署藥輸字第010593號 52040400 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-infectives/Antibacterials 抗生素類
衛署藥輸字第010600號 56040000 Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
衛署藥輸字第010610號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第010624號 36000000
衛署藥輸字第010630號 28160808 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antipsychotics/Butyrophenones Butyrophenones
衛署藥輸字第010630號 28160808 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antipsychotics/Butyrophenones Butyrophenones
衛署藥輸字第010631號 24081600 Central ?-agonists 中樞?-致效劑
衛署藥輸字第010635號 36000000
衛署藥輸字第010641號 28080492 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
衛署藥輸字第010645號 12080000 Anticholinergic agents 抗膽鹼激素藥物
衛署藥輸字第010654號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第010654號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第010659號 24069200 Cardiovascular drugs/Antilipemic agents/Antilipemic agents, miscellaneous 其它降血脂藥
衛署藥輸字第025035號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
衛署藥輸字第010660號 24322000 Cardiovascular drugs/Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors/Mineralocorticoid aldosterone receptor antagonists 磺物皮質酮接受器拮抗劑
衛署藥輸字第025016號 28209200 Central nervous system agents/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants, m 其他厭食劑、呼吸及大腦興奮劑
衛署藥輸字第025017號 48080000 Respiratory tract agents/Antitussives 鎮咳劑
衛署藥輸字第025017號 48080000 Respiratory tract agents/Antitussives 鎮咳劑
衛署藥輸字第025018號 28160492 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Antidepressants, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮劑
衛署藥輸字第025018號 28209200 Central nervous system agents/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants/Anorexigenic agents and respiratory and cerebral stimulants, m 其他厭食劑、呼吸及大腦興奮劑
衛署藥輸字第025018號 28160492 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Antidepressants, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮劑
衛署藥輸字第025019號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第025019號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第025020號 68280000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Pituitary 腦垂體
衛署藥輸字第025020號 68280000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Pituitary 腦垂體
衛署藥輸字第025021號 68280000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Pituitary 腦垂體
衛署藥輸字第025021號 68280000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Pituitary 腦垂體
衛署藥輸字第025022號 56120000 Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
衛署藥輸字第025023號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
衛署藥輸字第025023號 52020000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Antiallergic agents 抗過敏劑
衛署藥輸字第025023號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
衛署藥輸字第025024號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第025024號 40200000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Caloric agents 卡洛里劑
衛署藥輸字第025025號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第025025號 40120000 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Replacement preparations 補充溶液
衛署藥輸字第025026號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第025026號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥輸字第025027號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第025027號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第025028號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第025028號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第025029號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥輸字第025029號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第025029號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥輸字第025030號 56920000 Gastrointestinal drugs/GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
衛署藥輸字第025030號 10000000 Antineoplastic agents 抗癌藥物
衛署藥輸字第025030號 56920000 Gastrointestinal drugs/GI drugs, miscellaneous 其他腸胃道藥物
衛署藥輸字第025031號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第025031號 86160000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Respiratory smooth muscle relaxants 呼吸道平滑肌鬆弛劑
衛署藥輸字第025031號 12121200 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α- and β-adrenergic agonists 甲型及乙型交感神經致效劑
衛署藥輸字第025032號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥輸字第025032號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥輸字第025033號 48120800 Respiratory tract agents/Bronchodilators/Anticholinergic agents 抗乙醯膽鹼作用劑
衛署藥輸字第025033號 48120800 Respiratory tract agents/Bronchodilators/Anticholinergic agents 抗乙醯膽鹼作用劑
衛署藥輸字第025034號 20121800 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Antithrombotic agents/Platelet-aggregation inhibitors 血小板凝集抑制劑
衛署藥輸字第025034號 20121800 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Antithrombotic agents/Platelet-aggregation inhibitors 血小板凝集抑制劑
衛署藥製字第050001號 68080000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Androgens 男性激素
衛署藥輸字第025035號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
衛署藥輸字第025036號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第025036號 20121800 Blood formation, coagulation and thrombosis/Antithrombotic agents/Platelet-aggregation inhibitors 血小板凝集抑制劑
衛署藥輸字第025036號 96000000 Pharmaceutical aids 賦形劑
衛署藥輸字第025037號 56240000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Lipotropic agents 趨脂劑
衛署藥輸字第025037號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
衛署藥輸字第025037號 56240000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Lipotropic agents 趨脂劑
衛署藥輸字第025038號 84080000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Antipruritics and local anesthetics 止癢劑及局部麻醉劑
衛署藥輸字第025038號 84080000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Antipruritics and local anesthetics 止癢劑及局部麻醉劑
衛署藥輸字第025039號 92120000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Antidotes Antidotes
衛署藥輸字第025039號 56240000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Lipotropic agents 趨脂劑
衛署藥製字第049981號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥製字第049981號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
衛署藥製字第049982號 12160412 Autonomic drugs/Sympatholytic (adrenergic blocking agents)/ alpha-adrenergic blocking agents/ selective alpha-1 adrenergic blocking agents ...
衛署藥製字第049982號 12160412 Autonomic drugs/Sympatholytic (adrenergic blocking agents)/ alpha-adrenergic blocking agents/ selective alpha-1 adrenergic blocking agents ...
衛署藥製字第049989號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第049989號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第049989號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第049989號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第049989號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
衛署藥製字第049990號 08120616 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Cephalosporins/Fourth generation cephalosporins 第四代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥製字第049990號 08120616 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Cephalosporins/Fourth generation cephalosporins 第四代頭孢子菌類
衛署藥製字第049991號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥製字第049991號 52020000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Antiallergic agents 抗過敏劑
衛署藥製字第049991號 52320000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Vasoconstrictors 血管收縮劑
衛署藥製字第049992號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
衛署藥製字第049992號 28240800 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Benzodiazepines 苯二氮平衍生物
衛署藥製字第049993號 84049200 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Local anti-infectives, miscellaneous 其他局部抗感染劑