(計算時間: 0.017秒, 共找到 29589 筆資料,顯示第 7501 到 7600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Conolophus 陸海鬣蜥(屬)
Conolophus subcristatus ; Galapago Land Iguana 加拉巴哥陸鬣蜥
Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley 荔枝細蛾;荔枝蒂蛀蟲
Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) 李象鼻蟲
Conradilla caelata 鳥翼珍珠貝
consanguineous marriage 血親聯婚
consensus method 共同法
consensus sequence 一致序列
consensus tree 共同樹
conservation 保育
consistency index 一致性指數
constipation 便祕
constitutional delay in growth and adolescence 體質性生長與青春期延遲
constitutive enzymes 組成?
constriction 縊縮
constrictor 收縮肌;縮肌;閉鎖肌
Constrictor constrictor occidentalis 阿根廷蚺蛇
constrictor pharyngis muscle 咽頭縮肌
constrictor urethrae muscle 尿道縮肌
constrictor vestibuli muscle 前庭縮肌
contact insecticide 接觸殺蟲劑;觸殺劑
contagion 接觸傳染
contagious disease 接觸性傳染病
contig 片段重疊群
continent drift 大陸漂移說
continental drift 大陸漂移說
continental islands 大陸性島嶼
continental shelf 大陸棚
continental slope 大陸斜坡
continuity of the germplasm 種質連續;生殖質連續
continuous back cross 連續反交
continuous fever 稽留熱
continuous fiber 連續絲
continuous phase 連續相
continuous selection 連續選擇
continuous variation 連續變異
continuously varying trait 連續變異性狀
contour feather; penna 【羽+是】;正羽
contraception 避孕
contracted kidney 萎縮腎
contractile vacuole 伸縮泡
contractility 收縮性
contraction 收縮;攣縮
contraction; isotonic 等張收縮
contraction; muscular 肌肉收縮
contraction; reflex 反射收縮
contraction; rhythmic 節律收縮
contrast agent 對比劑
contrasting characters 相對性質
control; experimental 實驗對照
controlled experiment 對照實驗
controlling elements 控制因子
conus 圓錐;視錐
conus arteriosus 動脈圓錐
conus cordis 心圓錐
convalescence 恢復期
convalescent 恢復;療養
convalescent home 療養院
convalescent stage sera 恢復期血清
convection 對流
conventional unit 傳統的單位
convergence 趨同(作用)
convergent 趨同
convergent adaptation 趨同適應
convergent community 趨同群集
convergent evolution 趨同演化
convergent homeomorpha 趨同同型
conversion of energy 能力轉換
conversion ratio 轉換率
converting enzyme 轉化?
convex surface; dorso-lateral surface 大腦凸面
convivium; concicum 地理隔離種
convoluted portion 迂迴部
convoluted tubule 腎曲小管;曲細精管
convolution; gyrus 腦迴
convolutions of cerebrum 大腦迴
cony (pl. conies) 鼠兔
Cookeolus boops 黑鰭牛目鯛
cooloblast; adhesive cell 粘細胞;膠細胞
coordinately repressed enzymes 協同阻遏?
Coot 秧雞
copeposis 撓腳蚴;撓腳幼蟲
cophenetic 共表型
copperhead snakes 銅頭蛇
Copperhead; Agkistrodon contortrix 銅頭蝮
coproantibody 糞內抗體
coprobiont 食糞生物
coprodaeum; coprodeum 糞道
coprolith 糞石
coprophagous 食糞的
copropophyrin 糞紫質
coprosterol; coprostanol 腎固醇
coprozoic 糞生動物
copulatory bursa 交合囊
copulatory organ 交合器
copulatory path 交合道