(計算時間: 0.031秒, 共找到 25628 筆資料,顯示第 10601 到 10700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
conditioning 調理;調節;調態;預處理
conductance cell 電導電池
conductance method 電導法
conductance titration; conductimetric titration 電導滴定
conductance water 電導水
conductance; conduction 傳導
conductimeter detector; conductivity detector 電導偵檢器
conductimetric analysis; conductometric analysis 電導分析
conductimetry; conductometry 電導測定法
conducting glass electrode 傳導性玻璃電極
conducting paint 導電漆
conducting polymer 導電聚合物
conduction band 傳導帶
conduction band edge 導帶邊緣
conduction calorimeter 傳導卡計
conduction electron 傳導電子
conduction electron spin resonance 傳導電子自旋共振
conduction of heat; heat conduction 熱傳導
conductive glass 傳導玻璃
conductivity 傳導度;傳導性;傳導係數;傳導率
conductivity cell 電導池;熱導池
conductivity cell of tungsten; conductivity cell of tungsten filament 鎢絲熱導池
conductivity measuring apparatus 傳導度測定裝置
conductivity measuring cell 傳導率測定槽;傳導率測定池
conductivity mobility 傳導遷移率
conductivity moisture meter 電導水分計
conductometer 電導計
conductometric procedure 電導測定步驟
conductometric titration 電導滴定[法]
conductometric titration apparatus 電導滴定儀
conductometric titration cell 電導滴定池;電導滴定槽
conductor 導體
cone [圓]錐體;錐形筒
cone and plate rheogoniometer 錐板式流變性測定儀
cone and plate rheometer 錐板流變儀
cone and plate sensor system 錐板傳感系統
cone filter 錐形濾器
cone-and-plate viscometer 錐板黏度計
cone-type pole face 圓錐形磁極面
confidence band 信賴帶
confidence coefficient 信賴係數;可靠係數
confidence degree 信賴度
confidence interval 信賴區間
confidence level 信賴度;可靠度
confidence limit 信賴界限;可靠界限
confidence probability 信賴機率
confidence region 信賴區域
configuration 組態
configuration interaction {= CI} 組態交互作用
confining liquid; sealing liquid 密封液體
confirmatory reaction 確認反應
confirmatory test 確認試驗
confocal laser Raman spectrometer 共軛聚焦雷射拉曼光譜儀
conformability 均覆性
conformable 均勻覆蓋
conformation 構形
conformational analysis 構形分析
conforming article 合格品
confounding 混雜;混雜設計
congealer 冷凍器
congealing point 凍凝點;凝點
congelation 凍凝[作用]
congener 同族元素; 同類物
conglomerate; conglomeration 晶團
conglutin 藍豆蛋白
conglutination reaction 膠著反應
congo red test paper 剛果紅試紙
congruent melting point [相]合熔點
conical beaker 錐形燒杯
conical column 錐形管柱
conical flask 錐形瓶
conical quartering 四分[採樣]法
conical thin layer chromatograph 錐形薄層層析儀
coniferyl alcohol reagent 松柏醇試劑
coning and quartering 錐形四分法
conjugase 拼合?
conjugate acid 共軛酸
conjugate acid-base pair; conjugated acid base pair 共軛酸鹼對
conjugate base 共軛鹼
conjugate fiber 複合纖維
constant current 恒電流
constant current coulometry 恒電流庫侖法
constant current polarization titration 恒電流極化滴定
constant current potentiometric titration 恒電流電位滴定
constant current potentiometry 恒電流電位法
constant current process 恒電流過程
constant daughter ion scan 恒定子離子掃描
constant deviation prism 恒偏向稜鏡
constant deviation spectroscope 等偏分光鏡
constant energy synchronous fluorescence spectrometry 等能量同步螢光光譜術;等能量同步螢光光譜法
constant error 恒[定]誤差
constant flow 恒[速]流[動];定量流動
constant flow chromatography 恒流層析法;恒流層析術
constant flow pump 恒流泵;恒流速幫浦
constant mass division 恒[質]量縮分法
constant moistened sample 恒溼樣品
constant neutral loss scan 恒定中性[分子]丟失掃描
constant neutral loss spectrum 恒定中性[分子]丟失質譜
constant of proportionality 比例常數
constant parent ion scan 恒定母離子掃描