(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 25628 筆資料,顯示第 16701 到 16800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Lambert's absorption law 朗伯吸收定律
Lambert's law 朗伯定律
Lambert-Beer's law 朗[伯]-比[耳]定律;朗[伯]-比[爾]定律
laminar flame 層焰
laminaran; laminarin 昆布糖
laminate 層板
laminate molding; laminating molding 層壓成形
laminated paper 層壓紙
laminated plastics 層壓塑膠
laminated rod 層壓桿
laminated sheet 層壓板;疊層片
laminated structure 層狀結構;層紋結構
laminated tube 層壓管
laminated wood 層壓木[三合板]
lamination 層壓[作用]
lamp black 燈黑
Lande's g factor 蘭德g因子
Langevin's function 朗之萬函數
Langmuir's absorption isotherm 朗謬吸附等溫線
Langmuir-HinshelWood's mechanism 朗[謬]-辛[歇伍德]機構;朗[謬]-辛[歇伍德]機制
lanolin; wool fat 羊毛脂
lanthanide contraction 鑭系收縮
latent heat of fusion 熔化潛熱
latent heat of liquefaction 液化潛熱
latent heat of vaporization 汽化潛熱
latent image 潛影;潛像
latent period 潛伏期
latent solvent 潛伏溶劑
lateral force microscopy {= LFM} 摩擦力顯微術
latex 橡漿;乳膠
latex cement 乳膠接合劑
latex-antiseptic; latex-preservative 乳膠防腐劑
lattice 格子;晶格
lattice constant 格子常數;晶格常數
lattice coordination number 晶格配位數
lattice defect 晶格缺陷;格子缺陷
lattice energy 格子能;晶格能
lattice image 晶格影像
lattice orientation 格子配列;晶格配列
lattice plane 格子面;晶格面
lattice point 格子點;晶格點
lattice spacing 格子間隙;晶格間隙
lattice structure 晶格結構
lattice vacancy 晶格空位
lattice vibration 格子振動;晶格振動
Laue diffraction pattern 勞厄繞射圖式
laughing gas 笑氣
laundry soap 洗滌皂
lavender 薰衣草
lavender oil; spike lavender oil; spike oil 薰衣草油
law of combining proportions 化合比例定律
law of combining volumes of gases 氣體化合體積定律
law of combining weight 化合量定律
law of conservation of energy 能量守恆定律;能量不滅定律
law of conservation of mass 質量守恆定律;質量不滅定律
law of conservation of mass-energy 質能守恆定律;質能不滅定律
law of conservation of matter 物質守恆定律;物質不滅定律
law of constant composition 成分不變定律;定組成定律
law of constant heat summation 熱總量不變定律
law of constant proportion; law of definite proportion 定比定律
law of definite composition 定組成定律;成分不變定律
law of distribution 分配定律;分布定律
law of equivalent proportion 當量比定律
law of gas diffusion 氣體擴散定律
law of gaseous reaction 氣體反應定律
law of mass action; mass action law 質量作用定律
Lessing coking test 勒氏乾餾試驗
lethal agent 致死劑
lethal concentration 致死濃度
light adaptation 光適應作用
light ash 輕純鹼
light diesel fuel 輕柴油燃料
light distillate 輕餾出液
light effect 光效應
light emitting 發光
light emitting diode {= LED} 發光二極體
lime 石灰
lime kiln 石灰窯
lime nitrogen 石灰氮[肥料]
lime oil 萊姆油
lime process 浸灰法
lime slag cement 石灰熔渣水泥
lime soda softening process 石灰鹼軟化法
lime standard 標準石灰量
limestone 石灰石
liminal value 低限值
liminescent spectrum 發光光譜
liming 浸灰;加灰
liming out 灰析
liming process 灰浸法
limit dextrin 極限糊精
limit dextrinase 極限糊精?
limit of flammability 可燃性極限
limit of inflammability 可燃限度
limit of reaction 反應限度
limit of sensitivity 靈敏限度
limiting amino acid 限制胺基酸
limiting concentration 極限濃度
limiting current 極限電流
limiting reactant 限量反應物