(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 25628 筆資料,顯示第 801 到 900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
conjugation 共軛作用;結合作用
connecting hose 連接管
connection in parallel 並聯
connection in series 串聯
conrotation 同向旋轉
consecutive column 連串管柱
consecutive complexity constant 逐級錯合物生成常數
consecutive peaks 連串峰
consecutive reaction; successive reaction 逐次反應
consecutive stability constant; stepwise stability constant 逐級穩定常數
consecutive titration 逐級滴定
conservation law 守恒[定]律
conservation of energy 能量守恒;能量不滅
conservation of mass 質量守恒;質量不滅
conservation of momentum 動量守恒;動量不滅
conservation of orbital symmetry 軌域對稱守恒
conservation of parity 對等性守恒
conservation of probability 機率守恒
conservation property 守恒性質
conservation system 保守系
consistence test 一致性檢定[法]
consistency 稠度;黏彈度
consistency indicator 稠度指示器
consistency meter 稠度計
consistency regulator 稠度調節器
consistent estimate 一致的估計
consistometer 稠度計;黏彈度計
console 控制;控制台;儀表板
consolidation 壓實;固結
consolute 共溶質
consolute solution 共溶質溶液
consolute temperature 共溶溫度;臨界溶解溫度
constant 常數
constant boiling mixture 恒沸混合物 ;共沸混合物;定沸混合物
constant boiling point 恒沸點
constant composition elution 恒溶劑成分溶析
contact mass 接觸質量
contra-flow 逆流
cooling peak 冷卻峰
cooling pond 冷卻池
cooling power 冷卻能力
cooling process 冷卻過程
cooling pump 冷卻泵
cooling range 冷卻範圍
cooling stress 冷卻應力
cooling system 冷卻系統
cooling time 冷卻時間
cooling tower 冷卻塔
cooling water 冷卻水
cooling-rate curve 降溫速率曲線
coolite; heat absorption glass; heat-absorbing glass 吸熱玻璃
Coomassie brilliant blue G 考馬斯亮藍G
Coomassie brilliant blue R 考馬斯亮藍R
Cooper pair 古柏電子對
Cooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry {= CITAC} 分析化學國際追蹤能力協會
cooperative site 協同部位
cooperativity 協同性
coordinate axis 坐標軸
coordinate bond linkage; coordinate linkage 配位鍵聯
coordinate bond; coordination bond; dative bond 配位鍵
coordinate complex salt 配位錯鹽
coordinate covalence 配位共價
coordinate covalent bond 配位共價鍵
coordinate space 坐標空間
coordinate valence 配位價
coordinated complex 配位錯合物
coordinated water 配位水
coordinating atom 配位原子
coordinating group 配位基
coordination 配位[作用]
coordination chemistry 配位化學
coordination complex 配位錯合物
coordination compound 配位化合物
coordination formula 配位式
crucible holder 坩堝座
crucible tongs 坩堝鉗
crucible triangle 坩堝[用]三角架
crude analysis 原油分析
crude fat 粗脂肪
crude fiber 粗纖維
crude naphtha 粗輕油
crude product 粗製品
crude protein 粗蛋白質
crude rubber 生[橡]膠
crude still 原油蒸餾設備
crude; crude oil; petroleum crude 原油
crusher 軋碎機;壓碎機
crusher gauge [氣體]壓縮壓力計;銅柱壓力計
crushing 壓碎
crushing resistance 抗碎性
crushing strength 抗碎強度
crystal fineness 晶體細度
crystal form; crystalline forms 晶形
crystal formation 晶體生成
crystal grating 晶柵
crystal growth 晶體生長
crystal indices; crystalline indices 晶體指數
crystal laser 晶體雷射
crystal lattice 晶格
crystal lattice geometry 晶格幾何