(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 1240 筆資料,顯示第 101 到 200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Bacterium radicicola 根瘤菌
Base exchange 鹽基交換
Base exchange capacity 鹽基交換能量
Base saturation 鹽基飽和
Base unsaturat]on 鹽基不飽和
Basing listing 穴耕
Basoid 膠體鹽基
Baule s law of percentage yield 鮑氏生產律
Baule's unit (haule) 鮑氏單位(鮑爾)
Bauxite laterite 鋁質磚紅壤
BauxiteI 鐵鋁氧石
Bca horizon 鈣積層
Beach deposit 海灘沈積
Beaker method (mechanical analysis) 燒杯法(機械分析)
Bedrock 岩底
Bench terrace 平臺階段
Betonite 皂白石
Bidellite 多鋁蒙特石
Biological weathering 生物性取化
Black alkali soil (同 Solonetz) 鹼土
Black cotton soil 黑棉土
Black earth ( 同Chernozem) 黑鈣土
Black prairie soil 草原黑土
Black turf soil 黑泥炭土
Bleached horizon 漂白層
Blocky structure 塊狀構造
Blown out land 風刷池
Bog iron ore 沼澤鐵子
Bog lime 沼澤石灰核
Bog muck 沼澤腐泥土
Bog soil 沼澤土
Bog type of soil formation 沼土生成作用
Boundary of soil horizons 土層界線
Box measurement ( 同Keen Raczkowski measurement) 銅盒試驗
Braunerde,Ram mall's (同 Brown earth) 拉氏棕壤
Bravaisite 卜來水化雲母
Brittle (指Consistence) 脆性
Broad base terrace 寬壟階段
Broken bond water 斷鍵水
Brown desert soil (同Brown soil) 棕漠鈣土
Brown earth 棕壤
Brown forest soil 森林棕壤
Brown podzolic soil 棕色准灰壤
Brown soil 棕鈣土
Brucite 氳氯鎂石,水滑石
Brush 阻刷物
Brush dam 阻刷壩
Buckshot structure 丸狀構造
Buffer action 緩動作用
Buffer capacity 緩動能量
Buffer curve 緩動曲線
Buffer strip 緩動草帶
Bulk density (同Volume weight) 容重
Buried soil 埋藏土
Burozcm (同Brown earth) 棕壤
C horizon C層
Calc. ium clay 鈣粘土,鈣粘粒
Calcarious soil 石灰質土
Calcification 鈣化作用
Calcimorphic (Calomorphic) soil 鈣成土
Calcium soil 鈣質土
Caliche (同Bca horizon) 鈣積層
Capillarity 微管引力
Capillary stage 微管水階段
Capillary Conductivity 微管埠力
Capillary porosity 微管孔度
Capillary potential 微管位能
Capillary potential gradient 微管位差
Capillary potentiometer 微管位能針
Capillary saturation 微管飽和
Capillary transmtssion constant 微管導水常數
Capillary tube hypotheses 微管假說
Capillary water 微管水
Caraphoresis 電滲
Carbon nitrogen ratio 碳氮比
Carbonation 碳酸化作用
Cartegraphy,soil 土壤製圖
Catchment area (同 Drainage area) 受水面積
Category,soil 土壤類目
Catena,soil 土鍵
Cation 陽離子
Cation exchahse 陽離子交換
Cationic layer (Colloid particle) 陽離子層(膠粒)
Cavernous (指Pore space) 穴管狀
Cellular (指Porosity) 細脆狀
Cementation (指 Consistence) 膠結
Cementing agent 膠結劑
Centrifugal method (Olay fractionaion) 離心法(粘粒分部)
Centrifugation 離心作用
Chalk soil 白堊土
Channel-type terrace 槽式培段
Check dam 節制壩
Chemical profile 化學性剖面
Chemical weathering 化學性風化作用
Chernozem (Tschernozem) 黑鈣土
Chestnut aoil 栗鈣土
Chestnut coloured soil (同 Chestnut earth) 栗鈣土
Chestnut earth 粟鈣土
Chlorite 綠泥水化雲母,綠泥石