(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 17163 筆資料,顯示第 13101 到 13200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Sheeting movement 樁牆移動
Sheetpile bulkhead 板樁擋土牆
Sheetpile cutoff 板樁截水牆
Sheetpiling wall 板樁牆
Sheetpiling,anchor 錨扣板椿
Ship wave 航跡波
Ship's age 船齡
Ship,blockade 封鎖船
Ship,boring 鑽探船
Ship,cargo 貨船
Ship,coal 運煤船舶
Ship,concrete 混凝土船
Ship,container 貨櫃船
Ship,crane 起重船
Ship,discovery 探險船
Ship,distilling 給水船
Ship,hospital 醫院船
Ship,passenger 客船
Ship,sailing 帆船;沙船
Ship,survey 測量船
Ship,wrecked 遭難船;破船
Shipment,consolidated L.C.L. 另擔貨合夥運送
Shipping lock 船閘
Shipping world 海運界
Shoal indicator 淺灘標誌
shoaled harbor 有灘港
Shoaling 淺化(波浪之)
Shoaling coefficient 淺化係數
shock bump 撞擊
shock loading 突增負載
shock spectrum 震譜
shock wave 衝擊波;震波
Shock,deep 深處震動
Shock,electric 電擊
Shoe,brake 閘瓦
Shoe,drive 樁尖
Shoe,hem 軔靴
Shoe,kerb 沈箱切靴
Shoe,skid 減速靴
Shoe,triangular 三角靴
shop bill 製材表;料單
shop welding 廠銲
Shop,template 放樣場
Shop,track material repair 軌道器材;修護場
shopping center 購物中心
Shopping district 商店區
Shopping pattern 商場模式
Shopping sphere 購買圈
Shopping street 商業街
Shore deposit 沿岸淤積
Shore line 灘線;海岸線
Shore protection 護岸
Shoreline of emergence 隆起海岸
short circuiting 短路
Short crested wave 短岸波
short term stability 短期穩定
short time count 短期調查
Shorter rail 短軌條
Shorter tie 短軌枕
Shortterm programme 短程方案
Shot 單裝炸藥
Shot blasting 鐵屑磨光
Shot drill ?彈鑽
Shot plate-form trailer 短台拖車
Shot,light 小爆破
Shotcrete 噴製混凝土
Shotcrown 斜切鑽頭
Shotdrilled shaft ?彈鑽孔
Shotfirer 施爆人
Shots drilling ?彈丸鑽法
Shouldered tie plate 有肩軌枕墊鈑
Shovel attachment 鏟土機配件
Shovel packing 手鏟砸道
Shovel,crawler 履帶鏟土機
Shovel,crawler- mounted power 履帶機動鏟
Shovel,crowd 撬面機
Shovel,diesel 柴油鏟土機
Shovel,diesel-electric 柴油電動鏟土機
Shovel,drag 拖鏟機
Shovel,electric 電動鏟土機
Shovel,face 淺土鏟
Shovel,loading 積土機鏟
Shovel,rock 鏟石機
Shovel,rocker 翻鏟裝載機
Shovel,tractor 牽引剷土機
Shovel,wheeled tractor 輪動鏟
Shovelling 剷土作業
Shoveloader 鏟裝機
Shower 驟雨
Shower,instability 不穩定驟雨
Shredder,screening 篩屑切碎機
Shredder,sludge 污泥切碎機
shrinkage crack 收縮裂縫
Shrinkage of soil 土壤收縮
Shrinkage,differential 差別收縮
Shrinkage,drying 乾燥收縮
Shrinkage,elastic 彈性收縮
Shunter 調車工;掛?工
Shunting 調車線
shunting engine 調車機車