(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 17163 筆資料,顯示第 101 到 200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Adsorbed water 附著水
Adsorption water 吸附水
Adsorption,carbon 碳吸附
advance direction sign 前置方向標誌
Advanced treatment 高級處理
advertisement and sign control 廣告及招牌管制
advertising tower 廣告塔
Advisory plan 綱要計畫
Advisory speed zone 勸導速限區
aeolian 風積
aeolian deposit 風積層;風積土
Aerated concrete 輸氣混凝土
aerated contact bed 曝氣接觸床
aerated lagoon 曝氣氧化塘
aeration period 曝氣時間
aeration zone 通氣層
Aeration,mechanical 機械曝氣式
Aeration,modified 改良式曝氣
Aeration,paddle-wheel 轉輪式曝氣
Aeration,spiral-flow 旋流曝氣
Aeration,stage 分段曝氣
Aeration,turbine 渦輪式曝氣
Aerator,baffle 隔板式曝氣器
Aerator,fountain 噴泉式曝氣器
Aerator,mechanical 機械曝氣器
Aerator,paddle 翼板式曝氣器
Aerator,paddle-wheel 翼輪式曝氣器
Aerator,tray 盤式曝氣器
aerial cableway 空中索道
Aerial levelling 航空水平測量
aerial photograph 航空像片;空照圖
aerial photographic surveying 航空攝影測量
aerial photography 航空攝影
aerial ropeway 架空纜車
aerial survey 航空測量
aerobe 好氧菌;需氧菌
aerobic bacteria 好氧性細菌;需氧性細菌
aerobic digestion 好氧消化
aerobic sludge digestion 好氧污泥消化
Aerochlorination 加氯曝氣
aerodrome reference point 航空站標點
aerodrome-beacon 機場信標燈
aerodynamic instability 空氣動力不穩定
aeromechanics 空氣力學
Aeronautical beacon 地面燈標
aeronautical chart 航空圖
aeronautical ground beacon 航空地面標燈
Aerordome control service 航空站管制業務
aesthetic district 景觀區
Afloat 漂浮
After shock 餘震
aftercooler 後冷卻器
Agar,nutrient 滋養洋菜
age and sex composition 年齡及性別組成
age and sex structure 年齡及性別結構
Age,ice 冰河時代
Age,wave 波齡
Agent,cement dispersing 水泥擴散劑
Agent,deflocculation 擴散劑
Agent,defoaming 消泡劑
Agent,dispersing 分散劑
Agent,emulsifying 乳化劑
Agent,estate 地產代理人
Agent,expansion 膨脹劑
Agent,flash-setting 瞬凝劑
Agent,flocculation 絮凝劑
Agent,foamed 發泡劑
Agent,foaming 發泡劑
Agent,gas-foaming 造氣劑
Agent,surface-active 表面活性劑
Agent,water-reducing 減水劑
Agent,waterproofing 防水劑
Agent,wetting 防濕劑
Aggregate batcher 骨材配料器
Aggregate crusher 碎石機
Aggregate excavation equipment 骨材採集設備
Aggregate processing equipment 骨材處理設備
Aggregate screen 骨材篩分機
Aggregate,artificial 人造粒料
Aggregate,burnt 燒成骨材
Aggregate,by-product lightweight 副產品輕質骨材
Aggregate,coated type 燒成骨材
Aggregate,expanded clay 燒脹粘土粒料
Aggregate,gap-graded 越級配粒料
Aggregate,lightweight 輕骨材
Aggregate,macadam 碎石
Aggregate,natural 天然骨材
Aggregate,natural lightweight 天然輕骨材
Aggregate,one-sized 同粒徑骨材
Aggregate,pelletized type 燒製骨材
Aggregate,rubble 粗骨材
Aggregate,structural lightweight 結構用輕骨材
Aggregated structure 團結結構
Aggressive free carbon dioxide 侵蝕性自由二氧化碳
Agitating lorry 拌和車
Agitation,mechanical 機械攪拌
Agitator truck 攪拌車
Agitator-body truck 攪拌車
agreement 協議;協定
agricultural belt 農業環帶;農業地帶