(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 17163 筆資料,顯示第 8301 到 8400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Interior loop 內匝道
interior lot 裹地
interior stress 內應力
Interior tide 裹潮
Interlocking block system 聯鑽閉塞裝置
Interlocking pile 囓合樁
Interlocking table 聯鎖圖表
intermediate anchorage 中間錨定
Intermediate belt 中間層
Intermediate layer 中間層
Intermediate load 間歇載重
Intermediate port 中途港
Intermediate rail 緩衝軌條
Intermediate treatment 中級處理
Intermediate water 中間層水
Intermediate water-channel 中位水道
intermidiate anchorage 中間錨地
intermittent filter 間歇濾池
intermittent filtration 間歇過濾法
intermittent flow settling basin(tank) 間歇流式沈澱池
Intermittent flow settling basin 間歇流式沈澱池
Intermittent irrigation 間歇灌溉
Intermittent load 間歇載重
intermittent motion 間歇運動
Intermittent sedimentation 斷續沈澱
Intermittent spring 間歇泉
Intermittent stream 間歇河川
intermittent weld 斷續銲接
Internal combustion locomotive 內燃機車
internal energy 內能
internal focussing lens 內調焦透鏡
Internal focussing telescope 內焦式望遠鏡
internal prestress 內部預力;內預力
Internal projection 內投影法
internal stability 內部穩定性
Internal study 區內調查
Internal traffic 當地車輛
internal work 內功
International airport 國際機場
international harbor 國際港
International load line certificate 國際載重
International System of Units (SI system) 國際標準制
International voyage 國際航程
Interpretation 判讀;研判;釋義
Interregional transportation 區域間運輸
intersection angle 交角
intersection approach 交叉路口進近路段
Intersection census 交叉口交通調查
Intersection entrance 交叉點入口
Intersection exit 複式交叉
Intersection leg 交叉路
Intersection,at-grade 平面交叉;平交道
Intersection,bridged rotary 立體圓環道
Intersection,channelized 槽化交叉
Intersection,compound 多路交叉
Intersection,flared 喇叭交叉
Intersection,four-way 四路交叉
Intersection,gyratory 回轉交叉
Intersection,lateral 側方交會法
Intersection,multi-bridge 多層式交叉
Intersection,multiple 複式交叉
Intersection,multiway 複式交叉
Intersection,rotary 環狀交叉
Intersection,skew 斜交叉
Intersection,three-way 三道交叉
Intersection,turbine-type rotary 渦式環行道交叉
Intersection,Y Y形交叉
Intersection,“T” 丁字交叉
Intersectional friction 交叉路口衝突
Interstitial ice 間隙冰
Intertropic convergence zone 熱帶幅合區
intertropic front 熱帶鋒面
Interval phase 時相分段
Water,soft 軟水
Interval,clearance 清道時間
Interval,exceedance 超越期間
Interval,high water 高潮間隔
Interval,low water 低潮間隔
Intra regional highway 區域內公路
Intra zonal traffic 域內交通
Intracity transportation 市內運輸
Intrapermafrost table 冰區涵水
Intraregional transportation 區域內運輸
Intrinsic permeability 內在滲透率
Intruding water 侵入水
Intrusion spring 障礙泉
intrusive rock 侵入岩
Inundated area 氾濫區
Inundated district 氾濫區
Inundation 氾濫
Inundation canal 氾濫渠
Inundator 飽水量砂法
invar 恆範鋼
Inventory,ground water 地水登錄
Inverse sludge index 污泥密度指數
Inversion of rainfall 雨量逆轉
Invert level 倒式水平儀
Inverted drainage well 低地排水井
inverted lining 仰拱襯砌
Inverted position 倒位