
英文名稱 中文名稱
57437159 secondary coast 次生海岸
57437160 secondary cold-front 副冷鋒
57437161 secondary concretion 次生團塊
57437162 secondary consolidation 次生固結
57437163 secondary crater 次生火口
57437164 secondary cyclone 副氣旋
57437165 secondary deposit 次生礦床
57437166 secondary depression 副低壓
57437167 secondary diffraction 副繞射
57437168 secondary downward changes 次生深度變化
57437169 secondary earthquake 次震
57437170 secondary emission 二次發射
57437171 secondary enlargement 次生擴大
57437172 secondary enrichment 次生富集〔作用〕
57437173 secondary enrichment zone 次生富集帶
57437174 secondary eruption 次生噴發
57437175 secondary essential element; secondary nutrient element 次量〔養分〕元素;次量要素
57437176 secondary extinction effect 次生消光效應
57437177 secondary fault 次生斷層
57437178 secondary flow 副流
57437179 secondary fold 次生褶曲
57437180 secondary foliation 次生葉理;次生剝理
57437181 secondary forest 再生林
57437182 secondary fossil 次生化石
57437183 secondary front 副鋒
57437184 secondary fumarole 次生蒸氣孔;次生噴氣孔
57437185 secondary geosyncline 次生地槽
57437186 secondary growth 次生生長
57437187 secondary hydrothermal deposit 次生熱液礦床
57437188 secondary interstice 次生間隙
57437189 secondary joint 次生節理
57437190 secondary landslide 次生山崩
57437191 secondary laterite 次生磚紅壤
57437192 secondary layer 次生層
57437193 secondary lineation 次生線理
57437194 secondary loess 次生黃土
57437195 secondary low 副低壓
57437196 secondary meridian 副子午線
57437197 secondary mineral 次生礦物
57437198 secondary minimum 副極小
57437199 secondary product of weathering 風化次生物
57437200 secondary rainbow 副虹;霓
57437201 secondary saline soil 次生鹽土
57437202 secondary scattering 二次散射
57437203 secondary soil 次生土
57437204 secondary soil particle 次生土粒
57437205 secondary spectrum 副光譜
57437206 secondary wave; S wave 次波 S波
57437207 seconds of arc 弧秒
57437208 seconds of time 時秒
總共 30673 筆,顯示第 23701 到第 23750 筆