(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 1667 筆資料,顯示第 1201 到 1300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Promotional competition 推廣性競爭
Promotional decision game 推廣決策競賽
Promotional decisions 推廣決策
Promotional discounts 推廣折扣
Promotional effectiveness 推廣效果
Promotional games 推廣競賽
Promotional mix 推廣組合
Promotional objectives 推廣目標
Promotional orientation 推廣導向
Promotional package 推廣性包裝
Promotional value 推廣價值
Promotional warranties 推廣性保證
Propensity to consume 消費傾向
Propensity to spend 支出傾向
Protective packaging 保護性包裝
Protective warranty 保護性保證
Psychographic market segmentation 心理性市場區隔
Psychological and physical buying motives 心理及生理的購買動機
Psychological law of suggestion selling 建議銷售的心理法則
Psychological segmentation 心理區隔
Psychological tests 心理測試
Public environment 公共環境
Public sector 公共部門
Public service 公共服務
Public transportation 公共運輸
Purchase behavior 購買行為
Purchase discounts 購買折扣
purchase motivation study 購買動機研究
Purchase transition matrix 購買轉移矩陣
Purchase-probability surveys 購買機率調查
Purchasing 採購
Purchasing agents 採購代理商
Purchasing function 採購功能
Purchasing managers 採購經理
Purchasing officer 採購人員
Purchasing performance 採購績效
Purchasing power 購買力
Purchasing procedures 購買程式序
Purchasing process 購買過程
Purchasing strategies 採購策略
Purchasing unit 購買單位
Pure competition 純粹競爭
Pure monopoly 純粹獨占
Purely competitive pricing 純競爭定價
Pushing policy 推性政策
Pyramid sales schemes 金字塔型銷售計畫
Q-analysis Q—分析
Qualified expert rule 合格專家規則
Qualitative information 屬質資訊
Qualitative market analysis 屬質市場分析
Quality 品質
Quality effect 品質效果
Quality image 品質形象
Quality index 品質指數
Quality of life 生活素質
Quality stores 高品質商店
Quality-cost ratio 品質—成本比率
Quantitative market analysis 市場計量分析
Quantity discounts 數量折扣
Quarterly Survey of Consumer Buying Intentions 消費者購買意願季節性調查
Queueing theory 等侯理論
Quota 配額
Quota sampling 配額抽樣
Rack Jobber 貨架批發商
Rack merchandiser 貨架配運商
Randomized block design 隨機區集設計
Rating scales 評分量表
Readability studies 可讀性研究
Readers per dollar 每元讀者數
Readership study 讀者研究
Readership test 讀者測試
Receipt-of-goods terms 領收貨品條件
Reciprocal buying 互惠購買
Redemption center 贈券兌貨中心
Reference groups 參考群體
Refusal-to-deal 拒絕交易
Regional brands 地方性品牌
Regional center 地區中心
Regional demand functions 區域需要功能
Regional shopping center 地區購物中心
Regional Wholesaler 地區批發商
Register marks 註冊商標
Regulation of advertising 廣告規則
Regulation of products 產品規則
Regulation of selling 推銷規則
Religious organization marketing 宗教組織行銷
Remarketing 重行銷
Reminder advertising 提醒性廣告
Reminder impulse buying 提醒性衝動購買
Repetitive buying 重覆購買
Replacement demand 重置需求
Replacing economics 重置經濟
Representative sample 代表樣本
Repurchase rate 再購率
Resale price 轉售價
Resale price maintenance 再售價的維持
Research design 研究設計
Research facilities 研究設施
Reseller 轉售者
Reseller market 轉售市場