(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 1667 筆資料,顯示第 501 到 600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Batch Process management information systems 整批資訊情報系統
Battle of the brands 品牌競爭
Bayes' Rule 貝氏法則
Bayesian analytical approach 貝氏分析法
Bayesian decision theory 貝氏決策理論
Before-after correlation test 前後相關測試
Before-after with control group 控制群的事前--事後測試
Behavior of buyers 購買者行為
Behavior patterns 行為型態
Behavioral Science 行為科學
Belly-to-Belly Selling 誘因銷售
Below-cost sales 削平銷售
Benefit bundle analysis 產品利益分析
Benefit segmentation 利益區隔
Bias in questionnaires 問卷調查偏誤
Biased testimonial rule 偏誤測試規則
Bid 標售
Bid peddling 最低標價
Black market 黑市
Blanket Brand 綜合商標
Body Type 實體形式
Bogus ad. tests 詐欺性廣告測試
Boiler-shop operations 現做現賣經營
Bonded Warehouse 保稅倉庫
Bonding 存關
Bonds 債卷
Boom-or-bust business 高度不穩定行業
Borden case 包登案例
Boycott 杯葛
Brainstorming 腦力激蕩術
Brand 品牌
Brand acceptance 品牌接受性
Brand awareness 品牌知名度
Brand decisions 品牌決策
Brand differences 品牌差異性
Brand dissimilarity 品牌相異性
Brand emulation 品牌仿效
Brand image 品牌形象(影像)
Brand Label 品牌標籤
Brand loyalty 品牌忠誠度
Brand naming 品牌命名
Brand policy 品牌政策
Brand preferences 品牌選擇偏好
Brand proliferation principle 品牌增廣原則
Brand purchase probability model 品牌選購機率模式
Buyer's market 買者市場
Buyer's surplus 買者剩餘
Buyer's wheel 買者輪迴
Buyer-salesman interaction 買者與推銷員相互作用
Buyer-seller relationships 買者與賣者相互關係
Buying allowance 購買折讓
Buying by description 按說明書購買
Buying by inspection 經查驗後購買
Buying by sample 憑樣本購買
Buying committees 購買委員會
Buying distribution 購買分配
Buying policies 購買政策
Buying power 購買力
Buying practices 購買習性
Buying-power index 購買力指敷
Buying-power quota 購買力配額
Call strategy 訪問策略
Call system 訪問系統
Campaign design 活動設計
Campaign planning 活動策劃
Canonical correlation analysis 正準相關分析
Capital budgeting 資本預算
Captive Customers 隨和顧客
Car-lot wholesaler 整車批發商
Cash market 現金市場
Cash on delivery 交貨付款
Cash register 收銀機
Cash with order 付現訂貨
Cash-and-carry wholesalers 現金自運批發商
Collective bargaining 集體談判
Combination payment plan 組合付款計畫
Combination sale 組合出售
Comic advertisements 娛樂性廣告
Commerce clause 商業條款
Commercial attache 商務專員
Commercial environment 商業環境
Competitive bidding 競標
Competitive parity method 競爭價格法
Complementary products 互補產品
Composite commodity theorem 組合商品理論
Concentrated marketing 集中行銷
Conditional payoff matrix 條件報酬矩陣
Conditional sale 條件銷售
Conglomerate integration 複和性整合
Conglomerate market 複和性市場
Conglomerate market competition 複和性市場競爭
Conmmodity Credit Corporation 商品信用公司
Consigned limit 寄售限額
Consignee 受託人
Consignment 寄售
Consignment buying 委託購買
Consignment distributor 委託經銷商
Consignment sales 寄售
Consignment service station 委託服務站
Consignment terms 寄售條件