(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 1667 筆資料,顯示第 601 到 700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Consultation services 諮詢服務
Consumer acceptance theory 消費者接受理論
Consumer affairs department 顧客服務部
Consumer attitudes 消費者態度
Consumer behavior 消費者行為
Consumer Council 消費者協會
Consumer credit 消費者信用
Consumer expenditures 消費者支出
Consumer market segmentation 消費者市場區隔
Consumer measurement 消費者衡量
Consumer packaged product 整包消費產品
Consumer panel 消費者固定樣本
Consumer pollsters 消費者調查機構
Consumer price index 消費者物價指數
Consumer privilege 消費者特權
Consumer protection 保護消費者
Consumer Reports 消費者報導
Consumer rights 消費者權利
Consumer satisfaction 清費者滿足
Consumer sovereighty 消費者主權
Consumer spending 消費者支出
Consumer surveys 消費者調查
Consumer use tests 消費者使用測試
Consumer welfare 消費者福利
Consumer's risk 消費者風險
Consumerism 消費者主義
Consumers' cooperative 消費者合作社
Consumers' goods 消費財
Consumption 消費
Consumption systems 消費系統
Containerization 貨櫃化
Contingency planning 權變規劃
Continuity Program 承續計畫
Contra sale contract 反銷售契約
Contract manufacturing 契約製造
Contractual vertical marketing systems 契約式垂直行銷系統
Contribution margin 獲利貢獻
Control of marketing operations 行銷體系控制
Control system 控制系統
Controllable factors 可控制因素
Controlled and uncontrolled variables 可控制和不可控制的變數
Controlled test marketing 在控制下的試銷
convenience stores 便利商店
Convenience sample 便利樣本
Conventional display 傳統陳列
Convergent marketing 聚集行銷
Convergent production 統一生產
Conveyor belt effect 輸送帶效果
Cooperative marketing associations 合作行銷協會
Corporate advertising 企業廣告
Corporate chain store system 公司連鎖商店系統
Corporate image 公司形象
Corporate social objectives 企業社會目標
Corporate vertical marketing systems 企業垂直行銷系統
Countermarketing 反行銷
Creative marketing projects 創造性行銷計晝
Creativity 創造性
Credit buying 信用購買
Credit Card 信用卡
Credit investigator 信用調查員
Cultural organization marketing 文化組織行銷
Cumulative quantity discounts 累積數量折扣
Customary pricing 習慣訂價
Customer 顧客
Customer awareness 顧客知曉
Customer buying motives 顧客購買動機
Customer buying patterns 顧客購買形態
Customer call norms 顧客訪問規範
Customer feedback systems 顧客回饋系統
Customer franchise 顧客特許權
Customer grid 顧客隔距
Customer groups 顧客群
Customer Holdover Effect 顧客再購買效果
Customer loyalty 顧客忠誠性
Customer mix 顧客組合
Customer needs 顧客欲求
Customer orientation 顧客導向
Customer persuasion 說服顧客
Customer profitability 顧客利益性
Customer purchase plan survey 顧客購買計畫調查
Customer relations 顧客關係
Customer Retention Rate 顧客保留(持續)率
Customer satisfaction 顧客滿足
Customer service 顧客服務
Customer service level 顧客服務水準
Customer's buying habits 顧客的購買習慣
Customer's excuses 顧客推辭的原因
Customer's preference 顧客偏好
Customer's preference 顧客偏好
Customers buy 顧客購買
Cyclical responsiveness 週期性反應
Daily method 日記式調查法
Damaged merchandise 毀損商品
Data banks 資料庫
Data processing 資料處理
Deal-pack 分裝
Deal-proneness 易於成交
Dealer 經銷商
Dealer cooperative advertising 經銷商合作廣告
Dealer helps 經銷商協助