(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 1701 到 1800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
resource class 資源班
resource classroom 資源教室
resources classroom for aboriginal education 原住民民族教育資源教室
retainment of student status 保留入學資格
retardation 遲緩
retarded child; slow child 遲緩兒童
retirement system 退休制度
review list 審查意見表
review of academic work 著作審查
rhetorical school 修辭學校
right for parents' involvement in schools 家長參與學校事務權利
right to education 受教權
right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method 是非法
roll call 點名
room schedule 教室課表
rote learning 機械學習
rote memory 機械記憶
rote teaching 機械教學
rough reading; skimming reading 略讀
rule of direct action 直接動作律
rule of distribution of practice 練習分配律
rule of repetition 反覆律
rural education 農村教育
rural school 農村學校;鄉村學校
sabbatical leave 休假研究
sabbatical leave 教授休假
safety education 安全教育
safety rules 安全守則
salary schedule; salary scale 工資制;薪級表
sample method; sampling method 取樣法
sanatorium school 療養學校
sandwich course 三明治課程
sanguine temperament 多血質
Santa Barbara Plan 聖巴巴拉制
scale book 量表簿
scale of positions 職務等級表
scale score 量尺分數
scholar 學者;學生{英}
scholarship 獎學金
scholarship and grants 獎助學金
Scholastic 經院學者;士林哲學家
scholastic aptitude 學術性向
scholastic honor 學術榮譽
Scholasticism 經院主義;士林哲學
school 學校;學派
school administration 學校行政
school administrator 學校行政人員
school age 學齡
school attendance 就學
school attendance committee 督促就學委員會
school attendance officer 督促就學員
school board 學校董事會
school bond 學校公債
school book; text-book; textbook 教科書
school budget 學校預算
school building; school plant 學校建築
school bulletin 學校公告欄
school calendar 校曆
school census 學校普查
school ceremony 學校儀式;學校典禮
school certificate 學校證書;學校證照
school chart 學校圖表
school clinics 學校診療所;學校門診部
school community 學校社區
school court 學校法庭
school development fund 校務發展基金
school discipline 訓導[工作]
school discipline 學校紀律
school discipline and guidance 訓輔工作
school education 學校教育
school equipment 校園設備;學校設備
school equipment 學校設備
school establishment 學校設施
school ethos 校風
school evaluation 校務評鑑
school examination 學校考試
school exhibition 學校展覽會
school expenditure 學校經費
school extension 學校推廣教育
school facility remodel; school facility refurbishment {英} 校園設施整建
school fair 學校園遊會;學校博覽會
school fee; tuition; tuition fee 學費
school feeding; school lunch; school meal 學校供膳;學校午餐
school festival 學校節慶
school finance 學校財政
school fund 學校基金
school furniture 學校用具
school garden 學校花園;學校園圃
school ground [= school land; school sites] 校地;校址
school guidance work 學校輔導工作
school house 校舍
school hygiene; school sanitation 學校衛生
school inspection 學校視察
school law 學校法
school library 學校圖書館
school lunch 學校午餐
school manager 學校管理者
school manual 學校手冊
school museum 學校博物館
school net 學校網