(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 1801 到 1900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
school space 校地
school spirit 校風;學校精神
school staff 教職員
school statistics 學校統計
school subject 學校科目
school supplies 學校用品
school survey 學校調查
school synod 校務會議
school system 學制
school system of different countries 各國學制
school tax 教育稅
school term; term 學期
school work guidance; basic school work guidance 基本課業輔導
school-based curriculum development 學校本位課程發展
school-environmental facilities 校園環境設施
school-related factor 學校因素
schoolmate 學友;同學
schools of aboriginal areas 原住民地區學校
Science and Technology 自然與生活科技
science education 科學教育
science of education 教育科學
scientific education 科學教育
scientific institute 科學研究所
score card 記分卡片
score scale 記分量表
scout education 童軍教育
screening and review 甄審
screening and selection 甄選
screening test 甄試
second certificate examination 中學第二試{英}
second foreign language 第二外語
second review 複審
second stage certification 複檢
secondary education 中等教育
secondary school 中等學校
secretarial education 秘書教育
secretary of education 教育部長{美}
secular education 非宗教教育
secure campus space 安全校園空間
segregation 隔離
Segregation by ability 能力分組
selected group 選擇組
selection 遴選
selection of subject matter 教材選擇
self study 自學進修
self-culture 自修
self-direction 自我向導
self-discipline 自律
self-evaluation 自我評鑑
self-expression 自我表現
self-government 自治
self-help fundraising 自籌經費
self-rating 自我評定
self-realization 自我實現
self-study 自習
semester 學期
semester plan 學期制
seminar 研討會{小型}
seminar 研究班;專題討論會
seminar course 研究學程;研究科目;專題研究科目
senate; university council 評議會{大學}
senior 四年級生{美}
senior class 四年級
senior college 高級學院{美}
senior high school; high school 高級中學{高中}
sensation 感覺
Sensationalism; Sensualism 感覺論
sense culture 感官陶冶
sense education 感官教育
sense realism 感官唯實論
sense training 感官訓練
sentence method 整句教學法
sentiment 情操
session credit 學年學分
Seven liberal arts 七藝{文法、邏輯、修辭、音樂、算數、幾何、天文}
severe emotional disturbance 嚴重情緒障礙
sex education 性教育
sex instinct; sexual instinct 性本能
sexual abuse 性侵害
sexual difference 性別差異
sexual harassment 性騷擾
sexual offenders 性侵犯
sexual violence 性暴力
share of educational expenditure among governments 各級政府教育經費應分擔數額
short course; short term course 短期課程
sign language 手語法
silent reading 默讀
simplified spelling 簡字
simultaneous learning 同時學習
simultaneous method 同時教學法
single school system; single track system; unitary school system 單軌制
sister school 姐妹校
six-three-three plan 六三三制{美}
six-year high school 完全中學
skewness 偏態
skipping reading 跳讀
social adjustment 社會適應
social education 社會教育
social guidance 社會導引
social heredity 社會遺傳