(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 2001 到 2100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
suspension 停學
suspension of schooling 休學
symbolism 象徵主義
sympathy 同情
synapse 神經鍵
synthetic instruction 綜合教學
Systematic pedagogy 系統教育學
T-scale T量表
T-score T分數
taking courses 修讀
taking summer courses 暑期修課
task-force 工作小組
teacher 教師
teacher certificate 教師證書
teacher education 師資培育
Teacher Education Law 師資培育法
teacher education program 教育學程
teacher evaluation committee 教師評審委員會
teacher grievances 教師申訴
teacher qualification resume 教師資格審查履歷表
teacher rating scale 教師評等制
teacher tenure 教師任期
teacher transfer among schools 介聘
teacher's agreement 教員聘約
teacher's certificate; teacher's license 教師證照
teacher's contract 教師聘約
teacher's load 教員工作負擔
teacher's manual 教師手冊
teachers organization 教師組織
teachers union 教師工會
teachers' examination 教師考試
teachers' guild 教師公會
teachers' institute 教師研習所{美}
teaching assistant 助教
teaching continuity document 任教未中斷證明
teaching efficiency 教學效能
teaching hours 授課時數
Team of Professionals Specializing in Education for the Disabled 身心障礙教育專業團隊
team teaching 協同教學
technical and vocational education 技職教育
technical and vocational education system 技職體系
technical college 科技學院;技術學院
technical report 技術報告
technician as assistant professor 助理教授級專業技術人員
technology research and development {= R&D} 技術研發
teenager's guidance program 青少年輔導計畫
teleology 目的論
temperament 氣質
temporary leave without salary 留職停薪
temporary termination of contract 停聘
term employment period 聘期
term paper 學期論文
test 測驗
test of educational diploma 學歷甄試
test of Mongolian and Tibetan language 蒙藏語甄試
test score 測驗分數
The Advisory Committee of Teacher Education 師資培育審議委員會
the affirmative action of entrance examination 升學考試優待
the bachelor program of extension education 進修學士班
The Basic Academic Competence Test 基本學力測驗
the disabled 身心障礙
the examination of government sponsorship for overseas study 公費留學考試{公費留考}
the gifted 資賦優異
the internet teaching materials for lifelong learning 終身學習網路教材
the scholarship of government sponsorship for overseas study 公費留學獎學金
the separation of examination and enrollment system 考招分離
the standard of school equipment 設備標準
the teachers' association at the school level 學校教師會
the time of formal school system 正規學制時間
the work permit of overseas Chinese students 僑生校外工作證
theological education 神學教育
Theological seminary 神學校
theoretical pedagogy 理論教育學
thinking 思考
three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps 三段教學法
three R's 讀寫算
threshold of consciousness 意識閾限
thrift education 儉約教育
total ability 總能力
total amount control 總量管制
total amount of departments and graduate schools 系所總量
total floor area 樓地板面積
tour and part-time work program 渡假打工計劃
track and field athletics 田徑比賽
trade education 貿易教育
trade school 貿易學校
training college 訓練學院
training for citizenship 公民訓練
transcript 成績單
transfer 轉學
transfer of learning 學習遷移
transfer of training 訓練遷移
transfer; transfer program 轉系
transition school; middle way school 中途學校{中介安置教育處所}
travel for study 修學旅行
travel school 旅行學校
traveling educational exhibition 巡迴教育展覽會
traveling library 巡迴圖書館
traveling museum 巡迴博物館
traveling teacher 巡迴教師