(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 301 到 400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
causal investigation 溯因考察
center of interest 興趣中心
central school 中央學校{十九世紀初期英國國教派創設的基礎學校}
central tendency 集中趨勢
centralized system 集權制
certificate 證書
certificate; graduation certificate 證明書
certificated teacher 合格證照教師
certification 檢定
certification 資格檢定
certification 檢定
certification of teachers 教員檢定
certify teacher 合格師資
chair professor 講座
chance error; probable error 機誤
chancellor; president 校長{大學}
character 性格;品格
character education 品格教育
character rating 品格評比
character test 品格測驗
charity school 慈善學校
child guidance 兒童指導
child hygiene 兒童衛生
Child psychology 兒童心理學
child study 兒童研究
child welfare 兒童福利
child-centered education 兒童中心教育
Child-guidance clinic 兒童指導所
child-hood 兒童期
children's court 兒童法庭
children's drawing 兒童畫
children's home 兒童之家
children's language 童語
children's library 兒童圖書館
children's literature 兒童文學
children's museum 兒童博物院
children's play 兒童遊戲;兒童戲劇
children's story 兒童故事
children's theater 兒童劇場
children's vocabulary 兒童字彙
Chinese Braille method 中文點字法
Chinese Culture Scholarship 中華文化獎學金
Chinese language study 國語文研習
Chinese Proficiency Test 華語文測驗
chirology; dactylogy 手語術
chivalric education 騎士教育
Choir school 唱詩學校
choleric temperament 膽汁質
Christian education 基督宗教教育
chronicle of school 學校誌
chronological age {= C.A.} 實足年齡;實齡
chronological table 年齡表
Church education; Missionary education 教會教育
Citizenship education; Education for citizenship 公民教育
civic virtue 公民德行
civil service examination 公務人員考試
class 學級;班
class discussion 教室討論
class grouping 分級;分班
class interval 組距
class limit 組限
class management; classroom management 班級經營
class meeting 班會
class organization 班級組織
class period; session 上課時間
class reduction 減班
class teacher [班]導師
class teacher system [班]導師制
class teaching 班級教學
class visitation 教室參觀
classical course 古典學科
classical language 古典語文{古希臘文、拉丁文}
classical school 古典學校;古典學派
Classicism 古典主義
classification 分級;分班;分類
classified school 分級學校{義}
classmate 級友;同班同學
classroom library 班級圖書區
classroom; lecture room; recitation room; teaching room 教室
clerical test 文書工作測驗
cloister 修道院
co-education 男女混合教育
coach 運動教練
coaching 指導練習
coefficient of correlation; correlation coefficient 相關係數
coefficient of variation 變異係數
collaboration between industry and school 產學合作
Collaboration Plan 攜手計畫
collaboration transition class; collaboration transition school 合作式中途班{中介安置教育處所}
collateral reading 補充閱讀
collecting instinct 搜集本能
collective education 集體教育
college 學院
college of business administration 工商管理學院
college of commerce 商學院
college of education; school of education 教育學院
college of law; law college; law school 法學院
college of letters and science 文理學院
college of liberal arts; faculty of arts 文學院
college of medicine; medical college; school of medicine 醫學院