(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 301 到 400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
civil service examination 公務人員考試
class 學級;班
class discussion 教室討論
class grouping 分級;分班
class interval 組距
class limit 組限
class management; classroom management 班級經營
class meeting 班會
class organization 班級組織
class period; session 上課時間
class reduction 減班
class teacher [班]導師
class teacher system [班]導師制
class teaching 班級教學
class visitation 教室參觀
classical course 古典學科
classical language 古典語文{古希臘文、拉丁文}
classical school 古典學校;古典學派
Classicism 古典主義
classification 分級;分班;分類
classified school 分級學校{義}
classmate 級友;同班同學
classroom library 班級圖書區
classroom; lecture room; recitation room; teaching room 教室
clerical test 文書工作測驗
cloister 修道院
co-education 男女混合教育
coach 運動教練
coaching 指導練習
coefficient of correlation; correlation coefficient 相關係數
coefficient of variation 變異係數
collaboration between industry and school 產學合作
Collaboration Plan 攜手計畫
collaboration transition class; collaboration transition school 合作式中途班{中介安置教育處所}
collateral reading 補充閱讀
collecting instinct 搜集本能
collective education 集體教育
college 學院
college of business administration 工商管理學院
college of commerce 商學院
college of education; school of education 教育學院
college of law; law college; law school 法學院
college of letters and science 文理學院
college of liberal arts; faculty of arts 文學院
college of medicine; medical college; school of medicine 醫學院
college of preceptors 師範學院
college of science; science school 理學院
college preparatory department 大學預科
colonial education 殖民地教育
color discrimination test 辨色測驗
color-blindness 色盲
color-contrast 色彩對比
color-mixture 色彩混合
color-sensation 色覺
colored school 黑人學校{美}
combative instinct; Fighting instinct 爭鬥本能
commencement 畢業式
Commencement 畢業典禮;開始
commissioner of education 州教育廳長{美}
commissioner on education 教育委員{十九世紀英國中央層級的教育委員,負責對各級教育的視導}
committee for aboriginal education 原住民民族教育審議委員會
Committee of School Curriculum Development 學校課程發展委員會
committee of teacher grievances 教師申訴評議委員會
Committee Responsible for Identification and Placement of Gifted and Disabled Students 特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導委員會
common core curriculum 共同核心課程
common education; general education 普通教育
common entrance examination 共通入學考試;統一入學考試
common school 平民學校
community college 社區大學;社區學院
communization; integrating with local community 社區化
comparative education 比較教育
comparative method; method of comparison 比較法
Comparative psychology 比較心理學
compensation 補償
Competence Indicators of Grade 1-9 curriculum 能力指標{九年一貫各學習領域課程綱要的分段能力指標}
competence-based class grouping; streaming {英} 能力分班
competitive examination 競爭考試
competitive scholarship examination; scholarship contest 獎學金競試
completion method 填充法
completion of schooling 結業
completion study period 修業期滿
complex 情結;複結
complex of inferiority; inferiority complex 自卑情結
complex reaction; complex response 複合反應
composite high school; comprehensive high school; cosmopolitan high school 綜合中學{美}
comprehensive examination 綜合試驗;綜合測驗
comprehensive high school 綜合高中
compulsory attendance; forced attendance at school 強迫就學
compulsory education 義務教育
Compulsory Education Law 國民教育法
compulsory school age 義教年齡
computer-based educational administration 教育行政e化
computerization of administration 行政業務電腦化
concentric circle method 同心圓方法
conditional promotion; 條件式升級
conditioned reflex 制約反射
conditioned response 制約反應
conditioned stimulus 制約刺激
conduct 行為;操行
conference 研討會{大型}