(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 501 到 600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cripple school; school for defective; school for the physically disabled 殘障學校
Critical pedagogy 批判教育學
critical score 批判分數
criticism lesson 批評課
cross-examination 詰問考試
Crowd psychology; Psychology of crowd 群眾心理學
crude mode 概約眾數
cultivation 陶冶;教化
cultural education 文化教育
culture 文化;修養
culture and education exchange 文教交流
Culture pedagogy 文化教育學
culture subject 文化學科
cumulative error 累積誤差
current events instruction 時事教學
curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 課程分化
curriculum 課程
curriculum evaluation 課程評鑑
curriculum goals 課程目標{九年一貫各學習領域課程綱要所揭示者}
curriculum guidelines 課程綱要
curriculum integration 課程統整
curriculum rationale 課程理念
curriculum reform 課程改革
curve 曲線
curve diagram 曲線圖
curve of error; error curve 錯誤曲線
curve of forgetting; forgetting curve 遺忘曲線
curve of improvement; improvement curve 進步曲線
curve of learning; learning curve 學習曲線
curve of memory; memory curve 記憶曲線
curve of normal distribution 常態分配曲線
elementary education 初等教育
curve of practice; practice curve 練習曲線
curve of work; work curve 工作曲線
cutaneous sensation; skin sensation 膚覺
daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule 日課表
daily-life guidance 生活輔導
Dalton plan 道爾頓計畫{個別化自我學習}
day care center 托兒中心;托兒所
day dream 白日夢
dean 院長
dean 學院院長
Dean of men 男生訓導{史}
Dean of women 女生訓導{史}
decision-making support system for education 教育決策支援系統
decreasing of class size 降低國民中小學班級學生人數
deductive method 演繹法
degrade 降級;降等
degree certificate; diploma 學位證書
degree review 學位審查
delayed reaction 延宕反應
democratic education 民本教育
demographic database 人口基本資料庫
demonstration 示範
demonstration lesson 演示課
demonstration method; method of demonstration 示範法
demonstration school 示範學校
demonstration teaching 示範教學
denominational school; sectarian school 教派學校{基督宗教}
department 區;科;部;系
department of dentistry 牙醫學系
department of education; educational department 教育學系
department of medicine 醫學系
departmental teaching 分科教學
detailed reading 精讀
development indicators 發展指標
developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching 啟發式教學
developmental retardation 發展遲緩
diagnosis 診斷
diagnosis test 診斷測驗
diagnostic method; method of diagnosis 診斷法
dialectic; dialectics 辯證法
dialects 鄉土語言
dialogistical method 對話法
diary for instruction 教學日誌
diary method 日誌法
dictation 默寫
didactics 訓育學
dietetics 營養學
Differential psychology; Variational psychology 差異心理學
diploma 文憑;畢業證書
diploma of graduation 畢業證書
direct discipline 直接訓練
direct interest 直接興趣
direct learning 直接學習
direct method of teaching 直接教學法
directed learning; directed study 指導的學習
directed play 指導的遊戲
direction of learning 學習指導
directly to advanced study 逕行修讀
disciplinary class 懲戒班
discipline evaluation 學門評鑑
discipline; training 訓練
discrimination treatment 差別待遇
dismissal 免職
dismissal; exclusion from school; expulsion 解散;退學;驅除
disposition 傾向
distance learning 遠距教學
distribution 分配
divinity school; theological college; theological seminary 神學院