(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 2198 筆資料,顯示第 601 到 700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Doctor 博士
Doctor degree 博士學位
Doctoral candidate 博士[學位]候選人
Doctoral dissertation; Doctorate dissertation 博士論文
Doctorate; Doctor's degree; Doctoral degree 博士學位
domestic hygiene 家庭衛生
dormitory 學校宿舍
double degree 雙學位
double major 雙主修
double registration 雙重學籍
double-track system 雙重軌制
drill method; practice method 練習法
drive 軀力
dropout 中輟{中途輟學}
dropout analysis 輟學原因分析
dropout rate 輟學率
dropouts 中輟生
dual degrees system 雙聯學制
dual personality 雙重人格
early childhood education 幼兒教育
early graduation base on academic excellence 成績優異提前畢業
early intervention 早期療育
educability 可教性
educated young soldier 知識青年士兵
education 教育
education administration authority 主管教育行政機關
Education Basic Law 教育基本法
education budget 教育經費
education for mental retardation 智能障礙教育
education for national defense 國防教育
education for the elderly 老人教育
education of blind and deaf-mute 盲聾啞教育
education of deaf and dumb 聾啞教育
education of leisure 休閒教育
education of orphan 孤兒教育
education of prisoner 受刑人教育
education of will 意志教育
education promoting program 教育促進方案
Education Reform Council 教育改革推動委員會
educational administration 教育行政
educational administration portal site 教育行政入口網
educational administrator 教育行政人員
educational affairs 教育事務
educational age {= E.A.} 教育年齡
educational bill 教育法案;教育草案
educational cinema 教育電影
educational conference 教育會議
educational criticism 教育評論
educational data 教育資料
educational decree 教育法令
educational determinism 教育決定論
educational endowment 教育捐款;教育基金
educational excursion 參觀教學
educational expenditure 教育經費支出;教育開支
educational experimentation 教育實驗
educational expert 教育專家
educational finance 教育財政
Educational Funding Committee, Executive Yuan 行政院教育經費基準委員會
educational funding formula 教育經費計算基準
Educational Grants Committee, Ministry of Education 教育經費分配審議委員會
educational guide 教育指導;教育指南
educational journal; educational periodical 教育期刊
educational ladder 教育階梯
educational library; pedagogical library 教育圖書館
educational literature 教育文獻
educational magazine 教育雜誌
educational management information system 教育管理資訊系統
educational measurement 教育測量
educational museum 教育博物館
educational neutralism 教育中立原則
educational opportunity 教育機會
Educational pathology; Pedagogical pathology 教育病理學
educational penalty; educational punishment 教育的懲罰
educational period 教育時期
Educational philosophy; Philosophy of education 教育哲學
educational plant 教育設備;教育設施
educational policy 教育政策
educational priority areas project 教育優先區計畫
educational process 教育歷程
educational propaganda 教育宣導
Educational psychology 教育心理學
educational quotient {= E.Q.} 教育商數
educational reform 教育改革
educational research 教育研究
educational right 教育權[利]
Educational sociology 教育社會學
Educational statistics 教育統計學
educational suggestion 教育建議
educational system; system of education 教育制度
educational test 教育測驗
educational value 教育價值
educational yearbook 教育年鑑;教育年刊
educationalist; educationist 教育學家;教育學者
educator 教育工作者
egocentric 自我中心
elective subject; optional subject 選習科
elective system 選修制
electronic-based school administration 校務行政e化
elementary and junior high school 國民中小學
elementary and secondary school 中小學