(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 16897 筆資料,顯示第 14901 到 15000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
sequencing and scheduling theory 排序和排表理論
sequential analysis 逐次分析
sequential coding 逐次編碼
sequential completeness 序列完備[性]
sequential decision process 逐次決策過程
sequential decoding 逐次解碼
sequential design 逐次設計
sequential estimation 逐次估計
sequential filtering 序列濾過
sequential inspection 逐次檢驗
sequential method 逐次法
sequential operator 序列算子
sequential optimization 逐次最佳化
sequential pattern recognition 逐次圖形識別
sequential probability ratio 逐次機率比
sequential probability ratio test 逐次機率比檢定
sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) 逐次機率比檢定
sequential programming 逐次規劃
sequential risk function 逐次風險函數
sequential sampling 逐次抽樣
sequential sampling inspection plan 逐次抽樣檢查方案
sequential search 逐次搜索;逐次搜尋
sequential simplex method 逐次單體法
sequential stochastic programming 逐次隨機規劃
sequential system 逐次系統
sequential test 逐次檢定
sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT) 逐次無制限極小化法
sequentially compact 序列緊緻;點列緊緻的
sequentially weak completeness 序列弱完備
serial correlation 序列相關
serial correlation coefficient 序列相關係數
serial mean 序列平均[值]
series 級數
series expansion 級數展開
series of commutator subgroups 交換子子群序列
series of decreasing powers 降冪級數
series of derived groups 導出群列
series of functions 函數[項]級數
series of increasing powers 升冪級數
series of natural numbers 自然數級數
series of positive terms 正項級數
set-indexed process 集指標過程
set-valued accretive operator 集值增生算子
seven bridges problem 七橋問題
seven place logarithm 七位數對數
seven point cone 七點錐面
several complex variables 多複變數
sexadecimal system 六十進制
sexagesimal degree 六十進制角度
sexagesimal fraction 六十進制分數
sexagesimal measure of angle 角的六十進制度量
sexagesimal system 六十進位制
sexangle 六角形
sextant 六分儀
sextic 六次線;六次
sextic curve 六次曲線
sextic equation 六次方程
sextuple space 六維空間
shading 陰影
shadow 影子
shadow price 影子價格
shape function 形狀函數
shape operator 形狀算子
shape parameter 形狀參數
shape-preserving 保形狀函數
sheaf of differentials 微分層
sheaf of germs 芽層
sheaf of modules 模層
sheaf of parallel lines 平行線束層
sheaf of planes 平面層
sheaf of regular functions 正則函數層
sheet 葉;頁
sheet of hyperboloid 雙曲面的葉
sheet of surface 曲面的葉
shift 推移
shift matrix 移位矩陣
shift of origin 原點的移動
shift operator ; shifting operator 移位算子
shift order 移位指令
shift parameter 移位參數
shift transformation 推移變換
shifting 移位;推移
shifting function 移位函數
shooting method 打靶法
short division 捷除法;短除法
short exact sequence 短正合序列
short radius 邊心距
short range stability 短程穩定性
short unbiased confidence interval 最短不偏信賴區間
short-cut method 簡捷算法
shortest confidence interval 最短信賴區間
shortest distance 最短距離
shortest distance between points 點間最短距離
shortest path problem 最短路徑問題
shortest route 最短路線
shrinking mapping 收縮映射
shrinking transformation 收縮變換