(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 16897 筆資料,顯示第 15501 到 15600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
strip of conditional convergence 條件收斂帶
strip of convergence 收斂帶
strip of elements 元素帶
strip region 帶形區域
stroke operation 加橫運算
strong approximation 強逼近
strong barrier function 強閘函數
strong connectedness 強連通
strong conservation form 強守恆型
strong consistent estimate 強一致估計
strong convergence 強收斂
strong deformation retract 強形變回縮核
strong derivative 強導數
strong discontinuity 強不連續性
strong dual space 強對偶空間
strong duality theorem 強對偶定理
strong ellipticity 強橢圓型
strong excision property 強切除性
strong extremum 強極值
strong hyperbolicity 強雙曲型
strong invariance 強不變性
strong invariance principle 強不變原理
strong irreducible chain 強不可約鏈
strong law of large numbers 強大數法則
strong local extremum 強局部極值
strong Markov property 強馬可夫性質
strong maximum principle 強最大值原理
strong oblique reflection 強斜反射
strong primary ideal 強準質理想
strong relative minimum 強相對極小
strong solution 強解
strong stability 強穩定性
strong topology 強拓撲
strong unimodal 強單峰
strong unit 強單位
strong upper derivate of set-function 集函數的強上導數
strong variation 強變分
strongly connected complex 強連通複體
strongly connected directed graph 強連通矢圖
strongly continuous 強連續
strongly continuous semigroup 強連續半群
strongly continuous stochastic process 強連續隨機過程
strongly coupled system 強耦合系統
strongly elliptic differential operator 強橢圓微分算子
strongly elliptic equation 強橢圓方程
strongly hyperbolic differential operator 強雙曲微分算子
strongly measurable 強可測[的]
strongly mixing automorphism 強混和自同構
strongly mixing condition 強混合條件
strongly mixing hypothesis 強混合假設
strongly monotonic function 強單調函數
strongly multiplicative quadratic form 強乘性二次型
strongly negative 強否定[的]
strongly recurrent 強遞迴[的];強返迴[的]
strongly separated 強分離[的]
strongly stable solution 強穩定解
strongly stationary stochastic process 強平穩隨機過程
strongly summable series 強可和級數
strophoid ; strophidal curve 環索線
structural constant 結構常數
structural perturbation approach 結構擾動法
structural stability 結構穩定性
structure 結構
structure function 結構函數
structure group 結構群
structure of group 群的結構
structure of ring 環的結構
structure space 結構空間
Student's ratio Student比
Student's t distribution Student t分布;Student t分配
Student's t test Student t檢定
Sturm comparison theorem Sturm比較定理
Sturm-Liouville boundary problem Sturm-Liouville邊界值問題
sub-sampling 分階抽樣
sub-semigroup 子半群
sub-stratification 分階分層
sub-subroutine 子副程式
sub-value 次值
subadditive function 劣加性函數
subadditive functional 劣加性泛函
subadditivity 劣可加性
subadjoint surface 次伴隨曲面
subalgebra 子代數
subbase 準基
subbase at a point 在一點處的準基
subbundle 子紮
subcategory 子範疇
subclass 子類
subclass number 子類數
subclassification 小分類
subcoercive 次強制的
subcomplex 子複體
subconsistent 次相容
subcontraction 子收縮[圖]
subconvex game 次凸對局
subcover ; subcovering 子覆蓋
subcritical 次臨界的
subdeterminant 子行列式
subdifferentiability 劣可微分性
subdifferential mapping 劣微分映射