(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 16897 筆資料,顯示第 16701 到 16800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
wattled 編織
wave analysis 波分析
wave crest 波峰
wave equation 波動方程
wave form 波形
wave form distortion 波形畸變
wave form space 波形空間
wave front 波前
wave front set 波前集
wave function 波函數
wave pattern 波型
wave trough 波谷
wavelet 小波
wavelet analysis 小波分析
wavelet transform 小波變換
weak boundary condition 弱邊界條件
weak compactness 弱緊緻性
weak complete space 弱完備空間
weak condition 弱條件
weak conservation form 弱守恆型
weak continuity 弱連續性
weak convergence 弱收斂
weak coupling 弱耦合
weak derivative 弱導數
weak diagonal dominance 弱對角線優勢
weak discontinuity 弱不連續性
weak duality theorem 弱對偶定理
weak extremum 弱極值
weak homology group 弱同調群
weak integral 弱積分
weak law of large numbers 弱大數法則
weak local extremum 弱局部極值
weak maximum principle 弱最大值原理
weak primary 弱準質
weak relative minimum 弱相對極小
weak singularity 弱奇異性
weak solution 弱解
weak solution of stochastic differential equation 隨機微分方程的弱解
weak stability 弱穩定性
weak star compact ; w*-compact 弱星緊緻
weak star convergent ; w*-convergent 弱星收斂[的]
weak star topology ; w*-topology 弱星拓撲
weak topology 弱拓撲
weak unit 弱單位元
weak variation 弱變分
weakly bounded set 弱有界集
weakly closed 弱閉[的]
weakly connected 弱連通[的]
weakly continuous stochastic process 弱連續隨機過程
weakly coupled system 弱耦合系統
weakly cyclic matrix 弱循環矩陣
weakly efficient point 弱有效點
weakly efficient solution 弱有效解
weakly Hermitian scalar product 弱Hermite純量積
weakly hyperbolic operator 弱雙曲[型]算子
weakly inward mapping 弱內向映射
weakly lower semicontinuous 弱下半連續[的]
weakly measurable 弱可測
weakly mixing hypothesis 弱混合假設
weakly modular lattice 弱模絡
weakly monotonic function 弱單調函數
weakly stationary stochastic process 弱平穩隨機過程
weakly wandering set 弱遊蕩集
web of conics 錐線羅[網]
wedge product 楔積
Weibull distribution Weibull分布;Weibull分配
Weierstrass approximation theorem Weierstrass近似定理
Weierstrass M-test Weierstrass M檢定
weight 重量;權[重]函數
weight distribution 權重分布;權重分配
weight function 權函數
weight of covariant 共變式的權
weight of invariant 不變式的權
weight of polynomial 多項式的權
weight of rational matrix 有理矩陣的權
weight of relative covariant 相對共變式的權
weight of relative invariant 相對不變式的權
weight of tensor 張量的權
weight of unknown 未知數的權
weight vector 權[重]向量
weighted 4-bit code 加權四位碼
weighted approximation 加權逼近
weighted arithmetic index number 加權算術指數
weighted arithmetic mean 加權算術平均
weighted average ; weighted mean 加權平均[值];加權平均數
weighted code 加權碼
weighted error 加權誤差
weighted geometric index number 加權幾何指數
weighted inequality 加權不等式
weighted least square 加權最小平方
weighted minimax algorithm 加權[極]大中取[極]小;加權大中取小演算法
weighted number system 加權數系
weighted observation 加權觀察
weighted residual 加權殘差;加權剩餘
weighting coefficient 加權係數
weighting function 加權函數
weighting method 加權法
weighting of observation 觀測的加權
weights and measures 度量衡