(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 16897 筆資料,顯示第 1901 到 2000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
closed orbit 閉軌道
closed orientable surface 可定向閉曲面
closed orthogonal system 閉正交系
closed path 閉路徑
closed plane 閉平面
closed plane figure 閉平面圖形
closed point 閉點
closed pseudomanifold 閉擬流形
closed region 閉區域
closed Riemann surface 閉黎曼面
closed sentence 閉合[語]句
closed set 閉集
closed simplex 閉單體
closed star 閉星形
closed subcomplex 閉子複體
closed subgroup 閉子群
closed submanifold 閉子流形
closed subroutine 閉子程式
closed subscheme 閉子概形
closed surface 閉曲面
closed system [封]閉系統
closed tensor field 閉張量場
closed-loop control 回路控制;閉環控制
closest rational approximation 最近有理逼近
closure 閉包
closure algebra 閉包代數
closure axiom 閉包公理
closure condition 封閉條件
closure finite 閉包有限
closure of simplex 單體的閉包
closure operation 閉包運算
closure operator 閉包算子
closure property 封閉性
closure-finite complex 閉包有限的複體
clothoid ?旋曲線
cluster 聚集;聚類
cluster analysis 聚類分析
cluster point 聚點
cluster sampling 群落抽樣;群體抽樣
cluster set 聚點集
coalgebra 餘代數
coalgebra homomorphism 餘代數同態
coaxial circles 共軸圓
coaxial cones 共軸圓錐
coaxial cylinders 共軸圓柱
coaxial line 共軸線
coaxiality 共軸性
cobordant 共緣的
cobordism group 共緣群
coboundary 餘緣
coboundary operator 餘緣算子
cocategory 對偶範疇
cochain 餘鏈
cochain complex 餘鏈複體
cochleoid 蝸牛線
cocircuit 餘迴路
cocked hat 菱角線
cocycle 餘輪[體]
code check 碼檢查
code conversion 碼轉換
code letter 碼;字母;碼字
code machine 編碼機
code translator 譯碼器
code tree 編碼樹
code word 碼字
coded data 編碼數據
coder ; encoder 編碼器
coding ; encode 編碼
coding theory 編碼論
codomain 對應域
coefficient 係數
coefficient group 係數群
coefficient of alienation 不相關係數
coefficient of concentration 集中係數
coefficient of connection 聯絡係數
coefficient of contingency 列聯係數
coefficient of correlation 相關係數
coefficient of determination 決定係數
coefficient of divergence 發散係數
coefficient of homology 透射係數
coefficient of multiple correlation 複相關係數
coefficient of nondetermination 非決定係數
coefficient of partial correlation 偏相關係數
coefficient of regression ?歸係數
coefficient of total correlation 全相關係數
coefficient of variation 變異係數;變差係數
coefficient region 係數區域
coefficient ring 係數環
coercive 強制[的]
coercive boundary condition 強制邊界條件
coercive mapping 強制映射
cofactor 餘因子;餘因式
cofibration 餘纖[維]化
cofibre mapping 餘纖維映射
cofinal 共尾;共終;同歸
cofinal part 共尾部分;同歸部分
cofinal subset 共尾子集;同歸子集
cofinality 共尾性
cofunction ; complementary function 餘函數