(計算時間: 0.021秒, 共找到 16897 筆資料,顯示第 3001 到 3100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
conventional number 標誌數
conventionalism 約定論
convergence 收斂
convergence acceleration 收斂[性]加速
convergence almost everywhere 幾乎處處收斂;殆變收斂
convergence circle 收斂圓
convergence criteria 收斂判別準則
convergence criterion 收斂判別法
convergence domain ; domain of convergence 收斂域
convergence exponent ; exponent of convergence 收斂指數
convergence factor 收斂因子
convergence from above 由上收斂性
convergence from below 由下收斂性
convergence in distribution [依]分布收斂
convergence in mean square [依]均方收斂
convergence in measure [依]測度收斂
convergence in probability [依]機率收斂
convergence in the mean [依]平均收斂
convergence of continued fractions 連分數的漸近分數
convergence of discrete approximation 離散逼近的收斂[性]
convergence of potential integral 位勢積分的收斂[性]
convergence principle 收斂原則
convergence radius 收斂半徑
convergence rate 收斂速率
convergence region 收斂區域
convergent 收斂[的]
convergent continued fraction 收斂連分數
convergent filtration 收斂濾透化
convergent integral 收斂積分
convergent matrix 收斂矩陣
convergent sequence 收斂序列;收斂數列
convergent series 收斂級數
convergent statement 收斂語句
convergent tendency 收斂趨勢
converse of relation ; inverse relation 逆關係
converse proposition 逆命題
converse theorem ; inverse theorem 逆定理
conversion 換位[法];轉換;換算
conversion factor 換算因子
conversion period 逆週期
conversion routine 轉換程序
conversion table 換算表
convex analysis 凸分析
convex angle 凸角
convex body 凸體
convex cell 凸胞腔
convex closure 凸閉包
convex combination 凸組合
convex cone 凸錐
convex cooperative game 凸合作對局
convex curve 凸曲線
convex domain 凸面域
convex duality 凸對偶
convex function 凸函數
convex functional 凸泛函
convex game 凸對局
convex hull 凸包
convex hypersurface 凸超曲面
convex metric space 凸度量空間
convex operator 凸算子
convex polygon 凸多邊形
convex polyhedral cone 凸多面錐
convex polyhedron 凸多面體
convex polytope 凸多胞體
convex programming 凸規劃
convex region 凸區域
convex sequence 凸序列
convex set 凸集
convex space 凸空間
convex sublattice 凸子絡
convex surface 凸曲面
convex-concave function 凸凹[二元]函數
convexity 凸性
convexity coefficient 凸性係數
convexity radius 凸半徑
convolution 摺積;疊積;捲積
convolution of distributions 荷布函數捲積
convolution of measures 測度捲積
convolution operator 捲積算子
convolution transform 摺積變換;捲積變換
convolutional code 捲積碼
cooperative game 合作對局
coordinate 坐標
coordinate angle 坐標角
coordinate axis 坐標軸
coordinate bundle 坐標紮;坐標束
coordinate curve 坐標曲線
coordinate function 坐標函數
coordinate geometry 坐標幾何
coordinate line 坐標線
coordinate line of curvature 曲率的坐標線
coordinate neighborhood 坐標鄰域
coordinate net 坐標網
coordinate of motion 運動坐標
coordinate operator 坐標算子
coordinate paper 坐標紙
coordinate plane 坐標平面
coordinate ring of variety 曲體的坐標環