(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 16897 筆資料,顯示第 5501 到 5600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
algebraic term 代數項
algebraic topology 代數拓撲[學]
algebraic transformation 代數變換
algebraic value 代數值
algebraic variety 代數曲體
algebraic zero 代數零位
algebraically closed 代數封閉
algebraically closed field 代數閉體
algebraically complete 代數完備
algebraically dependent set 代數相依集
algebraically equivalent 代數等價[的]
algebraically independent 代數獨立
algebraically independent basis 代數獨立基底
algebraically independent elements 代數獨立元[素]
algebraically independent set 代數獨立集
algebric multiplicity 代數重數
algebroidal function 代數體函數
algorithm 演算法;算則
alienation coefficient 不相關係數
alignment chart ; alignment diagram 列線圖;算圖
aliquot part 整除部分
alligation 混合法
allowable normal subgroup 容許正規子群
allowable subgroup 容許子群
almost 殆;幾乎
almost bounded function 殆有界函數
almost complex manifold 殆複流形
almost complex structure 殆複結構
almost continuous 殆連續
almost everywhere (a.e.) 殆遍;幾乎處處
almost everywhere convergent 殆遍收斂;幾乎處處收斂
almost field 準體
almost finite 殆有限
almost linear 殆線性;概線性
almost periodic 概週期的;殆週期的
almost periodic function 概週期函數;殆週期函數
almost periodic motion 殆週期運動
almost periodic solution 殆週期解
almost proper mapping 殆?映射
almost ring 準環
almost sure 殆必;幾乎必然
almost sure convergence 殆必收斂;幾乎必然收斂
almost triangular matrix 殆三角矩陣
almost uniform convergence 殆均勻收斂;殆一致收斂
alpha-numeric digit 字母數字碼
alphabetic code 字母碼
alternando 更比定理
alternate exterior angle 外錯角
alternate function 交錯函數
alternate interior angle 內錯角
alternating chain 交錯鏈
alternating determinant 交錯行列式
alternating direction implicit method (ADI method) 交替方向隱式法
alternating direction method 交替方向法
alternating expression 交錯表示
alternating form 交錯式
alternating geometric series 交錯幾何級數
alternating graph 交錯圖
alternating group 交錯群
alternating harmonic series 交錯調和級數
alternating matrix 交錯矩陣
alternating method 交錯法
alternating product 交錯積
alternating quantity 交錯量
alternating series 交錯級數
alternating series test 交錯級數判別法
alternating tensor 交錯張量
alternation of signs 變號[數]
alternative 互斥性;備擇的;擇一的
alternative activity 擇一活動;備擇活動
alternative algebra 交錯代數
alternative hypothesis 備擇假設;對立假設
alternative optimum 擇一最佳;備擇最佳
alternizer ; anti-symmetrizer 交錯化子
altitude 高[線]
ambient space 環繞空間
amicable number 友誼數
amount of information 資訊量
amount of secrecy 保密量
amplification 放大;放大率
amplification factor 放大因子
amplification matrix 放大矩陣
amplitude 幅度;輻角
amplitude distortion 波幅畸變
amplitude modulated sinusoid 調幅正弦曲線
amplitude modulation 調幅
amplitude of vibration 振幅
amplitude of waves 波幅
amplitude probability density 振幅機率密度
amplitude variation 振幅變化[量]
amplitude velocity 幅速
analog simulation 類比模擬
analogue 類比
analogue calculator 類比計算器
analogue computer 類比計算機
analogue multiplier 類比乘法器
analogue type 類比型
analysis 分析[學];解析[學]
analysis of covariance ; covariance analysis 共變異數分析
analysis of variance 變異數分析