(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 1101 到 1200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cost variance,cost variation 成本差異
cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析
cost-effectiveness analysis,cost-benefit analysis 成本效果分析,成本效益分析
cost-or-less principle 成本或較低原則
cost-plus 成本加利潤
cost-plus pricing 成本加利潤定價
cost-recovery basis 成本收回制
cost-recovery method 成本收回法
cost-utility analysis 成本效用分析
cost-volume-profit analysis 成本產銷利潤分析
cost-volume-profit relationship 成本產銷利潤關係
costing 成本計算
costing unit,cost unit 成本計算單位,成本單位
counter-sign 副署,會簽
coupon bond 附息票債券
coupon payable 應付債券息票
coupon rate 息票利率
coupon register 息票登記簿
cover into 轉入
coverage 保額,範圍
covered reserve 提存基金準備
covering entry 詳盡分錄,掩飾分錄
covering warrant 繳款書
credit 貸方,貸項,貸記,信用
credit analysis 信用分析
credit balance 貸方餘額,貸餘
credit for returned goods 退貨減帳
credit items 貸項
credit memo 貸項通知單,貸項憑單
credit rating agencies 徵信機關
credit report 徵信報告
credit sale 賒銷
credit side 貸方
credit standing 信用程度
credit terms 信用條件
creditor 債權人
creditors equity 債主權益
creditors ledger 債權人分戶帳
cremation certificate 銷燬證明書
critical path method,CPM 要經法
cross adding 交叉加算
cross entry 對銷分錄
cross reference 對照
cross-cheque 橫線支票
cross-footing 交叉結總
cross-indexing 對照索引
cross-section study 橫斷面研究
crosscheck 互校
cum dividend 帶息股價
cumulative dividend 累積股利
cumulative preferred capital stock 累積優先股
cumulative sinking fund 累積償債基金
cumulative voting 累積投票法
current account 往來帳戶,經常帳戶
current account balance sheet 流動帳目平衡表
current assets 流動資產
current audit 繼續審計
current budget 經常預算,本期預算
current cost 經常成本,現時成本
current expenditure 經常支出,本期支出
current expense 經常費
current fund 流動基金
current income 經常收益,本期收益
current investment 短期投資
current liabilities 流動負債
current maturity 本年到期之長期債務
current operating income statement 當期營業損益表
current position 流動財務狀況
current price 時價
current profit and loss 本期損益
current ratio 流動比率
current resources 流動資源
current return 當年報酬率
current revenue 經常所入
current special assessments 當期特賦
current standard cost 經常標準成本
current surplus 本期盈餘
current taxes 當期賦稅
current year's tax levy 當年稅課
current-outlay cost 現付成本
curve chart 朵線圖
curve fitting 曲線配合
customers account 客戶帳
customers account discounted 客帳貼現,貼現客帳
customers credit balance 客帳貸餘
customers deposit 客戶定金(保證金)
customers ledger 客戶分類帳
customers statement 客戶結單
cutoff 截結
cutoff date 截結日期
cutoff statement 截結報單
cycle 循環
cycle count 循環盤點
cyclical movement 循環變動
daily balance 日計表
daily labor report 人工日報單
daily material and spoilage report 材料與壞料日報單
daily reports 日報
daily time report 工作時間日報單
daily work report 工作日報單