(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 1301 到 1400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
departmental burden,departmental overhead 分部間接費,分部製造費用
departmental capital 分部資本
departmental charge 分部開支
departmental cost 分部成本
departmental expense 分部費用
departmental overhead rate 分部費用分攤率
departmental profit 分部利益
departmental standard 分部標準
departmentalization 分部組織
dependent 受扶養眷屬
dependent variable 因變數
depleted cost 耗余成本
depletion 耗竭
depletion allowance 備抵耗竭
depletion expense 耗竭費用
depletion reserve 耗竭準備
deposit 存款,保證金
deposit at call 通知存款
deposit book 存款簿
deposit fund 保證金基金
deposit fund balance 保證金基金餘額
deposit slip 存款單
deposit warrant 繳款書
depositary,depository 保管人
depreciable assets 應折舊資產
depreciable cost 應折舊成本
depreciate 折舊,貶值
depreciated cost 折余成本
depreciated original cost 折余原始成本
depreciated value 折餘價值
depreciation 折舊,貶值
depreciation accounting 折舊會計
depreciation base 折舊基價
depreciation during construction 建設期間折舊
depreciation expense 折舊費用
depreciation fund 折舊基金
depreciation method 折舊法
depreciation rate 折舊率
depreciation reserve 折舊準備
depreciation unit 折舊單位
depreciation-age-life method 壽年折舊法
depreciation-annuity method 年金折舊法
depreciation-appraisal method 估價折舊法
depreciation-appropriation method 盈餘分派折舊法
depreciation-arbitrary method 任意折舊法
depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap method 變率折舊法
depreciation-combined-depreciation-and-upkeep method 折舊與保養合併法
depreciation-composite life method 平均壽年折舊法
depreciation-compound interest method 複利折舊法
depreciation-declining-balance [diminishing-provision] method 餘額遞減折舊法
depreciation-equal-annual payment method 年金折舊法
depreciation-fifty-percent method 五成折舊法
depreciation-fixed instalment method 分期定額折舊法
depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value method 定率遞減折舊法
depreciation-gross earning method 總收益提成折舊法
depreciation-insurance method 保險折舊法
depreciation-inventory method 盤存摺舊法
depreciation-job method 分批折舊法
depreciation-maintenance method 維持折舊法
depreciation-output method 產量折舊法
depreciation-percentage of original cost method 原始成本定率折舊法
depreciation-production basis method 產量折舊法
depreciation-proportional method on fixed base 定額比例折舊法
depreciation-reducing balance method 餘額遞減折舊法
depreciation-reducing instalment method 分期遞減折舊法
depreciation-replacement method 重置折舊法
depreciation-retirement method 報廢折舊法
depreciation-revenue method 營業收入折舊法
depreciation-service output method 服務產出折舊法
depreciation-service-capacity method 服務能量折舊法
depreciation-sinking fund method 償債基金折舊法
depreciation-straight line method 直線折舊法
depreciation-sum of expected life method 預計年限總數折舊法
depreciation-sum of the year digit method 年數加總折舊法
depreciation-uniformity varying amounts method 規則變動折舊法
depreciation-unit cost method 單位成本折舊法
depreciation-unit method 個別折舊法
depreciation-working hour method 工作時數折舊法
descent 無遺囑處分
descriptive financial statement 附說明財務報表
desired-profit point 預計利益點
detail account 明細帳目
detailed audit 詳細審計
detailed ledger 明細分類帳
detailed supporting statement 明細附表
detection of errors 錯誤的偵察
detection of fraud 無弊的偵察
deterioration 損耗
development cost 開發成本
development expense 發展費用
deviation 偏差
devise 不動產遺贈
dies 鑄模
differential cost 差異成本,差量成本
differential earning 差別利益
differential income 差別收益
differential profit ratio 差別利潤率
dilution 產權減損
diminishing assets 遞耗資產
direct charges,direct expenses 直接費用