(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 1701 到 1800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
escalation price 自動加價契約價格
escalator clause 伸價條款
escapable cost 可免成本
escape clause 免除條款
establishment 產業單位
estate 財產,遺產
estate accounting 遺產會計
estate corpus 遺產本值
estate income 遺產收益
estate tax 遺產稅
estimated balance sheet 預計資產負債表,預計平衡表
estimated cost 估計成本
estimated cost system 估計成本制
estimated cost value 估計成本價值
estimated liability 估計負債
estimated life 估計壽年
estimated loss from sales 預計銷售損失
estimated loss from sales valuation of merchandise inventory 按售價估計存貨損失
estimated market value 估計市價
estimated physical life 估計實際壽年
estimated profit and loss statement 預計損益表
estimated profit from sales 預計銷售利益
estimated revenue 預計收入,預計所入
estimated revenue receipts 預計所入收入
estimated service life 估計使用壽年
estimated statement 估計表
estimated uncollectible accounts recievable 預計壞帳
estimated uncollectible current taxes 預計當期壞稅
estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes 預計過期壞稅
estimated uncollectible interest and penalties on taxes 預計欠稅利息與罰款損失
estimated uncollectible tax liens 預計欠稅留置權損失
estimates of expenditures 歲出概算
estimates of revenue 歲入概算
estimating cost system,estimated cost system 估計成本制
even lot,round lot 整批
events and condition 事件與情況
evidence 憑證
evidence record 憑證記錄
ex-dividend 除息
ex-right 除權
Ex. 除外
exact interest 實計利息
examine 檢查
examiner 檢查員
exception 查帳附注,查詢事項
excess profit tax 過分利得稅
exchange 交換,匯兌,交易所
exchange check 交換支票
excise tax 營業稅
exclusion 限定範圍條款(保險契約)
exclusion from taxable income 免計所得
executor 遺囑執行人
exemption 免稅額,豁免
exhaustion 耗竭
exhibit 主要表,正表
expansion 擴充
expected monetary value,EMV 預期幣值
expected value 預期值(統計)
expendable fund 備用基金
expended appropriation 已用經費
expenditure 支出
expenditure control 支出控制
expenditure disbursement 支出付出
expenditure rate 支出限度
expense 費用
expense account 費用帳戶,費用帳目
expense assets 費用資產(指用品等)
expense budget 費用預算
expense center 費用中心
expense control 費用控制
expense cost 費用成本
expense distribution 費用分配
expense invoice 費用清單
expense ledger 費用分類帳
expense standard 費用標準
expense standing order,standing order 製造費用單
expenses payable 應付費用
expenses statement 費用表
experience rating 經驗費率
experimental expense 試驗費用
experimental labor 試驗人工
experimentation cost 試驗成本
expired cost 已耗成本
expired expense 已耗費用
expired patent value 已耗專利權價值
expired utility 已耗效用
explanatory statement 敘述式報表
explicit interest 外現利息
express trust 書面信託
extended coverage 增加保險範圍
extension 擴充,展期,數量乘單價
exterior liability 對外負債
external analysis 外界分析
external audit 外界審計
external auditor 外界審計員
external depreciation 外在折舊
external transaction 對外事項,對外交易
extinguishment reserve 銷除債務準備
extra dividend 額外股利
extraneous earnings 額外盈餘