(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 101 到 200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
accretion 孳長
accrual 應計數
accrual accounting 應計制會計
accrual basis 應計制,權責發生制,應計基礎
accrual basis accounting 應計制會計,權責發生制會計,應計基礎會計
accrued asset 應計資產
accrued depreciation 應計折舊
accrued expense 應計費用
accrued income,accrued revenue 應計收益,應計所入
accrued interest on bond sold 應計售出債券利息
accrued interest on investment 應計投資利息
accrued interest payable 應付利息,應付應計利息
accrued interest receivable 應收利息,應收應計利息
accrued liability 應計負債
accrued payables 應付專案,應付應計專案
accrued payroll 應計薪資
accrued receivables 應收項目,應收應計項目
accrued rent payable 應付租金
accrued rent receivable 應收租金
accrued revenue 應計收入,應計所入
accrued revenues and expenditures basis 應計所入與支出制
accrued revenues and expenses basis 應計所入與費用制
accrued taxes 應計稅捐
accrued taxes payable 應付稅捐,應付應計稅捐
accrued wages 應計工資
accrued wages payable 應付工資,應付應計工資
accrued-expenditure basis 應計支出制
accumulated amount of 1,compound amount of 1 一元複利終值
accumulated deficit 累計虧絀,累積虧絀
accumulated depreciation 累計折舊,累積折舊
accumulated income,accumulated earnings,accumulated profit 累積收益,累積利益
accumulated surplus 累積表
accumulated surplus 累積盈餘
accumulation of discount 折價的累積
accumulative sinking fund 累積償債基金
acid test 酸性測驗
acquired surplus 取得公積,受盤公積
acquisition adjustment 取得額調整數
acquisition cost 取得成本
act of bankruptcy 破產法
activity account 作業帳戶,業務帳戶
activity accounting 作業會計,業務會計
activity classification 作業分類,業務分類
actual cost 實際成本
actual depreciation 實際折舊
actual liability 實際負債
actual value 實際價值
actuarial basis 精演算法,保險統計數學法
actuary 保險精算員
ad valorem 從價
addition 增添(指固定資產)
addition and betterment 增添與改良
additional mark on 再加價
adjunct account 附加帳戶
adjusted basis 調整法(美所得稅),調整基礎
adjusted gross income 調整後總[毛]所得(美所得稅)
adjusted historical cost 高速後歷史成本
adjusted income statement 調整後損益表
adjusting entry,AJE,adjusting journal entry 調整分錄
adjustment 調整
adjustment account 調整帳戶
adjustment memo 調整單
adjustment period 調整期間
administration budget 行政預算
administration expense,administrative expense 管理費用
administrative accounting 管理會計
administrative audit 行政審計
administrative cost 管理成本
administrator 管理人,遺產管理人
admissible asset 認可資產
admitted asset 認可資產(保險會計)
ADR,asset depreciation range 資產折舊限距
advance 預付,墊款,預收
advance to officers and employees 職工借支
adventure account 投機買賣帳
advertising expense 廣告費
advice of audit 審核通知
affiliated company,affiliated corporation 聯絡公司
affiliated interest 聯絡股權
affreightment 海運契約
after date 發票後
after sight 見票後
after-acquired property clause 包括後產
after-cost 事後成本
age 壽年,年限
agency 代理,機關
agency account 代理帳目
agency accounting 代理會計,單位元會計
agency accounting entity 機關會計個體
agency fund 代理基金
agency liability 代理債務
agent 代理人
aggregate balance sheet,amalgamated balance sheet 合併平衡表
aging 按期分類
AICPA,American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 美國會計師協會
all funds-combined balance sheet 全部基金綜合平衡表
all-inclusive income statement 總括式損益表
all-purpose financial statement 通用財務報告
allied company 聯絡公司
allocation 分攤,分派,整數經費分派