(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 2001 到 2100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
general long-term debt and interest group of accounts 普通長期債務本息帳類
general long-term debt group of accounts 普通長期債務帳類
general obligation bonds 普通負擔債券
general obligation special assessment bonds 普通負擔特賦債券
general operating expense 一般營業費用
general overhead 一般間接費
general partner 普通合夥人
general partnership 普通合夥
general purpose statement 普通決算表
general records 普通記錄
general reserve 普通準備
general revenue 普通所入
generally accepted 一般公認
generally accepted accounting principle 一般公認會計原則
geometric mean 幾何平均數
geometric progression 幾何級數
gift tax 贈與稅
giving-effect statement 預期報表
GNP,gross national product 國民生產毛額(社會會計)
go-and-not-go gage 容許袤侜蝢?統計品質控制)
going concern 繼續經營
going concern value 繼續經營價值
goods 貨物
goods and services 貨物及勞務
goods in process,work in process 在產品,在製品
goods in transit 在運品
goods on hand,inventory 存貨
goods on order 定貨
goods-in on consignment,consignment-in 承銷,承銷品
goods-out on consignment,consignment-out 寄銷,寄銷品
goodwill 商譽
goodwill partner 商譽合夥人
government administration expense 政事費用
government bond 公債
government property 公有財物
government revenue collecting offices 徵收機關
government-operated enterprise 公營事業
government-owned enterprise 公有營業
governmental accounting 政府會計
governmental unit's share of assessment improvement costs 政府分擔特賦改良物成本
grace period 寬限期
grant,grants-in-aid 補助金
graphic solution 圖解
graphic statement 圖形表
gray market 操縱市場,黑市
gross 總額,毛額
gross appreciation 漲價毛額
gross bonded debt 債券債務總額
gross book value 資產帳面毛額
gross cost of merchandise sold 銷貨總成本
gross declination 跌價毛額
gross earnings,gross income 毛利,總收益
gross liability 總負債
gross loss 毛損
gross margin,gross profit 毛利
gross price 毛價,總價
gross profit analysis 毛利分析
gross profit method of inventory 毛利估計盤存法
gross profit on sales,gross trading profit 銷售毛利
gross profit ratio 毛利率
gross profit test 毛利測驗法
gross revenue 總所入
gross sales 銷售總額
group depreciation 分組折舊
group financial statement 分組合併報表
group of accounts 帳類
group procedure 集體(折舊)法
group product 集體產品
grouping financial statement 報表之分組合併
growth curve 成長曲線
guarantee 被保證人,保證
guarantee deposit 押金
guaranteed bond 保證債券
guaranteed dividend 保證股利
guaranteed stock 保證股,保息股
guarantor 保證人
guaranty fund 保證金
guideline life 標準壽年
half finished good 半製品
hand over 交代
hand tool 手工具
harmonic mean 調和平均數
harmonic progression 調和級數
head office control account 總店統制帳戶
head office current 總店往來
head-end business 車後運輸
heat,light and power 熱光與動力費
hedge 套利
hedge clause 卸責條款
hidden reserve,secret reserve 秘密準備
high & low points method 高低點法
hire purchase 租購
historical cost 過去成本
historical dollar accounting 原始幣值會計
historical method 實際數量分配法
hold-harmless agreement 轉移責任契約
holder in due course 善意執票人
holding company 股權公司
holding period 持有期間
holding-operating company 營業股權公司