(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 2101 到 2200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
home office 總店,本店
home office current 總店往來
homogeneity 均質
homogeneity of cost 成本補償均等原則
horizontal analysis 橫的分析
horizontal combination 橫式綜合
hour cost 時成本
hypothecated asset,pledged asset 質押資產
hypothecation 質押
hypothetical cost 假定成本
hypothetical interest 假定利息
iceberg principle 冰山原理
ideal standard cost 理想標準成本
identification method 辦認法
identity 恒等式,本體
identity of organizational,budgetary and accounting unit 組織預算會計三位一體
idle capacity 空閒能量
idle capacity cost 空閒能量成本
idle capacity variance 空閒能量差異
idle equipment 閒置設備
idle fund 閒置資金
idle plant 閒置廠場設備
idle time 空閒時間
idle time supplementary rate 停工時間補充分配率
imaginary fund 假想基金
immaterial annuity 尋常年金
immaterial asset,intangible asset 無形資產
immediate asset,current asset 流動資產
immediate liability,current liability 流動負債
immovable property,real property 不動產
impairment (of capital) 虧絀
impairment of capital account 專絀帳戶
impersonal account 非人名帳戶
impersonal asset 非對人資人,債權外資產
impersonal entity 非人個體
implements 用具
implication 關聯
implicit interest 內含利息
implicit interest charge 內含利息開支
implicit interest revenue 內含利息所入
implied cash cost 內在付現成本
implied contract 默認契約
implied trust 默認信託
impound 扣押
imprest cash,imprest fund 定額零用金
imprest system 定額預付制
improvement 改良,改良物
improvement authorized 核准改良
improvement expense 改良費用
improvements and extensions 改良與擴充
improvements in progress,improvements in process 在程改良工程
improvements on leased property 租賃財產改良
improvements other than buildings 建築物外其他改良物
impute 設算,推算
imputed cost 設算成本,推算成本
imputed interest 設算利息,推算利息
imputed rent 設算租金
in-charge accountant,accountant in charge 主辦會計員,主辦會計師
in-cycle work 機器運轉時工作
inactive stock report 呆存材料報告單
inadequacy 不適用
inadequate capacity 不敷能量
inadmissible asset 免稅資產
inadmitted asset 免計資產(保險會計)
incidental revenue 雜項收入,雜項所入
income 收益,所得
income account 收益帳戶,收益帳目
income and expense 收益與費用
income beneficiary 收益享受人,遺益享受人
income bond 收益債券
income charge 收益開支
income deduction 收益減項
income from investment 投資收益
income from royalties 版稅收益
income realization 收益實現
income sheet ratio 損益比率
income sheet,income statement 損益表
income statement adjustment 損益表調整
income tax 所得稅
income tax reserve 所得稅準備
incorporation 設立登記,註冊
increment 增值
incremental cost 增量成本,增支成本
indebtedness 債務
indenture 契約
independence 獨立,超然
independent accountant 獨立會計師
independent audit 獨立審計
independent variable 自變數
indeterminate appropriation 無限經費
index number 指數
index of correlation 相關指數
index of creditors 債權人指數
indirect charge,overhead 間接費
indirect cost 間接成本
indirect department 間接部門
indirect expense 間接費用
indirect labor 間接人工
indirect liability 間接負債
indirect manufacturing cost 間接製造成本