(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 2301 到 2400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
internal control 內部控制
internal control system 內部控制制度
internal ratio 內部比率
internal reporting 內部報告
internal transaction 內部會計事項
interpolation 插補法
intestate 無遺囑死者
intragovernmental service fund,working capital fund 政府內部服務基金,運用資金基金
inventory 存貨,盤存,財產目錄
inventory adjustment 存貨調整
inventory control 存貨控制
inventory of supply 用品盤存
inventory pricing 存貨計價
inventory profit 盤存盈餘
inventory record 存貨記錄
inventory report 存貨報告
inventory reserve 存貨準備
inventory short and over 存貨缺溢
inventory suspense account 存貨暫記帳戶
inventory turnover 存貨週轉率
inventory valuation 存貨評價
inventory value 存貨價值
invested capital 投入資本
investigation 檢查
investigation certificate 稽察證
investment 投資
investment adviser,investment counsel 投資顧問
investment asset 資金資產
investment banker 投資銀行業
investment company 投資公司
investment in default 拖欠的投資
investment in general fixed assets 普通固定資產投資
investment ledger 投資分類帳
investment of reserve 準備金投資
investment of sinking fund 償債基金投資
investment trust 投資信託
investment trust company 投資信託公司
investment turnover 投資周轉數[率]
investment value 投資價值
invisible gain 無形利益
invisible loss 無形損失
invoice 發票
invoice adjustment 發票調整
invoice book 發票薄
invoice cost 發票成本
invoice inward book 購貨發票簿
invoice outward book 銷貨發票簿
invoice register 發票登記簿
involuntary conversion 強迫變換
inward freight and cartage 運入運費
IOU,I owe you 借據
irregularity 不合常規
irrelevant cost 無關成本
irrevocable trust 不可撤銷的信託
issue costs (on bonds or stock) 發行成本(公司債或股票)
issued capital 已發股本
item 項,項目
items received in advance 預收項目
job 批,工作
job account 工作帳戶
job card,work ticket 工作卡
job cost system 分批成本制
job costing,job-order costing 分批成本計算
job lot 分批,批量
job lot method,job method 分批法
job office 工務處
job order 分批工作通知單
job order cost sheet 分批成本單
job order cost system 分批成本制
job production 分批生產
job system 分批制
job time report 工作時間報告
jobs in operation 進行中工作
jobs in process 在程工作
joint account 聯立帳戶
joint adventure,joint venture 短期合營
joint and several liability 個別連帶責任
joint bonds 合發債券
joint consignment 合夥寄銷
joint cost,joint expense 聯合成本,聯合費用
joint facilities income 共同設備收益
joint liability 連帶責任
joint life annuity 共同生命年金
joint ownership 共同所有權
joint product 聯產品
joint product method 聯產品法
joint services 共同勞務
joint stock association,joint stock company 股份組合,股份公司
joint tenant 共同財產所有者
joint venture investment 短期合營投資
journal 日記帳,分錄簿
journal day book 分錄日記簿
journal entry 分錄,分錄記錄
journal voucher 分錄憑單,分錄傳票
journalize 分錄
judgement bond 判決債券
judgement sample 判定選樣
judgements payable 判決應付款
junior accountant 初級會計員
junior security 次級證券