(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 201 到 300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
allot 分配
allotment 分配,經費分配
allotment ledger 經費分配分類帳
allotment period 分配期間
allowance 津貼,折讓,借抵
allowance for amortization 借抵攤銷
allowance for bad debts 借抵壞帳
allowance for depreciation 借抵折舊
allowance for uncollectible taxes 借抵壞稅
allowance on sales,sales allowance 銷售折讓
allowances and rebates 折讓與回扣
alteration 修改
alternative cost 交替成本
alternative tax computation 交替賦稅計算
alternatives 交替,抉擇
amalgamated balance sheet,consolidated balance sheet 合併資產負債表,合併平衡表
amalgamation 創立合併
amortization 攤銷,攤還
amortization of premium 溢價攤銷
amortization schedule 攤算表
amortize 攤銷,攤還
amortized cost 攤余成本
amount of 1,compound amount of 1 一元本利和,一元複利
amount of an annuity 年金金額
analysis of asset changes 資產變動分析表
analysis of capital changes 資本變動分析表
analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 未支配剩餘變動分析表
analysis of cost variance 成本差異分析
analysis of financial statement 財務報表分析
analysis of funds flow 資金流程分析
analysis sheet,analytical statement 分析表
analytic product 分成的產品
analytic schedule 火險風險表
analytical accounting 分析會計
analytical column 分析欄
analytical journal,columnar journal 多欄日記帳
analytical record 分析記錄
ancillary revenue 副業收入,副業所入
annexed budget 附屬預算
annual audit 年度查帳,年度審計
annual financial statement 年度財務報表
annual report 年度報告
annualize 化年計算
annuitant 年金受領人
annuities payable 應付年金
annuity 年金
annuity agreement 年金契約
annuity certain 確定年金
annuity cost 年金成本
annuity due 期初年金
annuity fund 年金基金
annuity method (of depreciation) 年金法(折舊)
annuity period 年金期間
annuity trust account 年金信託帳
antedate 提前日期
anticipated cost 預期成本
anticipated profit 預期利益
anticipated revenue 預期收入,預期所入
anticipation warrants payable 預期應付支付書
antilogarithm 真數
application and allotment book 股份認購及分配簿
application for share 認股書
application of fund statement,statement of application of funds 資金運用表
application of funds 資金運用
applied cost 已分配成本
applied expense 已分配費用
applied manufacturing expense 已分配製造費用
applied material handling expense 已分配材料管理費用
applied selling and administrative expense 已分配推銷與管理費用
apportioned charge 分攤費用
apportionment,allotment 分攤,分配
appraisal company 估價公司
appraisal method (of depreciation) 估價法(折舊)
appraisal of plant 產業估價,廠房估價
appraisal report 估價報告
appraisal surplus 估價公積,估價盈餘
appraisal,appraisement 估價
appraised value 估定價值
appraiser 估價人,評價人
appreciated value 增漲價值,增值
appreciation 漲價,增值
appreciation surplus,appraisal surplus 漲價公積,增值公積
appropriated material 指撥材料
appropriated profit 指撥利益
appropriated surplus 指撥公積
appropriation 指撥,經費,核定經費
appropriation account 經費帳,盈餘分配帳(英)
appropriation act,bill,ordinance,resolution,or order 經費法案
appropriation allotment 經費分配
appropriation balance 經費餘額
appropriation budget 經費預算
appropriation expenditure 經費支出
appropriation expenditure ledger 經費支出分類帳
appropriation ledger 經費分類帳
appropriation of net income 盈餘分配,淨益分配
appropriation period 經費期間
appropriation receipt 經費收入
appropriation refund 經費收回
appropriation reimbursement 經費補償
appropriation request 經費申請書