(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 2901 到 3000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
nonfeasance 失職
nonforfeiture value 不喪失價值
noninterest bearing note 無秘票據
nonledger assets 帳外資產
nonoperating 營業外,非營業
nonoperating company 非營業公司
nonoperating cost 非營業成本,營業外成本
nonoperating earnings 營業外收益
nonoperating expense 營業外費用
nonoperating income 營業外收益
nonoperating item 非營業項目,營業外項目
nonoperating property 非營業財產
nonoperating revenue 非營業收入,非營業所入,營業外收入
nonpar stock,no-par value stock 無面值股份
nonparticipating preferred stock 非參加優先股
nonperiodical report 不定期報告
nonphysical asset 非實物資產
nonprice competition 非價格競爭
nonproductive asset 非生產資產
nonproductive labor 非生產人工
nonprofit accounting equation 非營利會計方程式
nonprofit corporation 非營利公司
nonprofit organization 非營利組織
nonrecurrent expenditure 臨時支出
open [-end] bond 開口抵押債券
nonrecurrent revenue 臨時收入,臨時所入
nonrecurring charge 臨時費用,偶生開支
nonrecurring cost 偶生成本
nonrecurring gain 偶生利益
nonrecurring income 偶生收益
nonrecurring profit and loss 偶生損益
nonrevenue receipts 非收入收款,非所入收入
nonstandard material 不夠標準之材料
nonstandard method 不夠標準之方法
nonstock corporation 非股份公司
norm 規範,標準
normal capacity 正常能量
normal cost 正常成本
normal curve,normal distribution 常態曲線,常態分配(統計)
normal depreciation 正常折舊
normal distribution rate 正常分配率
normal hour 正常工時
normal income rate 正常收益率
normal price 正常價格
normal return 正常報酬
normal standard cost 正常標準成本
normal stock method 正常存量法
normal table 常態表(統計)
normal tax 正常稅
normal value 正常價值
nostro account 往帳(國際匯兌)
note 票據,附注
note discount 票據貼現
note journal 票據日記帳
note on discount 貼現票據
note payable 應付票據
note receivable 應收票據
note receivable as collateral 以應收票據擔保
note receivable discounted 應收票據貼現,貼現應收票據
note receivable dishonoured 拒付應收票據
note receivable from officers,stockholders and employees 應收東夥票據
note receivable past due 過期應收票據
note receivable protested 已作拒付證書的應收票據
note receivable,trade 應收客戶票據
note register 票據登記簿
note renewals 轉期票據
notice of call 催繳股款通知書
nuisance value 超付價值
numerical sysmbols 數字編號
object 用途
object classification 用途分類
objective 用途別,客觀,目標
objects of expenditure budgeting 支出用途別預算
obligated balance 契約責任餘額
obligation 負擔,責任
obligation incurred 已發生負擔
obligations outstanding 未清結契約責任
observed depreciation 勘定折舊
observed life table 勘定耐用年限表
obsolescence 陳廢
obsolete stock 陳廢存貨
occupancy expense 居住費用
odd lot 零星交易
office equipment 辦公設備
office expense 事務費用
office salary 事務員薪金
office supply 事務用品
officers' salary 職員薪金
offset 抵銷,沖銷
offset account 抵銷帳戶
offsets against accounts 帳款抵銷
offsetting assets and liability 資負對沖
offsetting deduction 相抵減項
offsetting error 相抵錯誤
oil and gas payment 油氣權益支付(石油業)
old account 老帳
old balance 上期餘額
old surplus 舊盈餘
oligopoly and oligopsony price 寡佔供應與寡佔購買價格