(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 3601 到 3700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
real wages 實質工資
real-value item 實值項目
realizable value 可變現價值
realization 實現,變現
realization account 變現帳戶
realization and liquidation 變現與清算
realization and liquidation account 變現清算表
realization and liquidation profit and loss account 變現清算損益帳戶
realization and liquidation statement 變現清算表
realization of profit 利益實現
realized appreciation 已實現漲價
realized profit 已實現利益
realized revenue 已實現收,已實現所入
realized surplus 已實現盈餘
reappraisal surplus 重估價公積
rebate 折扣,退回
recapitalization 資本重整
recapitulation sheet,recapitulation statement 摘要表
recap,recapitulation 摘總
receipt 收入,收據
receipt and disbursement statement,receipt and payment account 現金收付表
receipt and payment documents 收付憑證
receipt ledger 收入分類帳
receipt voucher 收入憑單,收入傳票
receivable 應收款項,應收
received report,receiving report 收貨報單
receiver 清算人,收受人
receiver's cash account 清算人現金帳
receiver's certificate 清算人借款證
receiving department 收貨部
receiving department expense 收貨部費用
receiving expense 收貨費用
receiving slip 收入傳票
receiving voucher 收入憑單,收入傳票
reciprocal account 相對帳戶
recognize 認定
reconciliation of surplus 公積調節表
reconciliation [statement] 調節,調節表
reconciling bank account 調節銀行存款帳戶
reconciling inventory 調節存貨
reconstruction 重建
record date 列冊日期
record of cash disbursement 現金付出記錄
record of cash receipt 現金收入記錄
record of goods sold 銷貨記錄
recorded cost 已記錄成本
recorded value 記錄價值
recording medium 記錄依據,記帳原始依據
recoup 補償
recover 收回,補償
recoverable cost 可收回成本
recoverable expenditure 可收回支出
recoverable loss 可補償損失
recoverable value 可收回價值
recovery 收回,回收
recovery value 收回價值
recurrent income 續生收益
recurrent profit and loss 續生損益
recurring cost 續生成本
red-herring prospectus 非正式募股書,紅魚募股書
red-ink entry 赤字記錄
redemption 贖回
redemption fund,sinking fund 贖債基金,償債基金
rediscount 重貼現
redistributed cost 再分配成本
reducing instalment method (of depreciation) 分期遞減折舊法
reducing-balance form,report form 餘額式,報告式
reducing-balance method (of depreciation) 餘額遞減折舊法
refinancing expense 債務掉期費用
refund 退款
refunding bond 掉換債券
register 登記簿
registered bond 記名債券
registered capital 登記資本額
registered warrant 已登記支付書
registrar 服務登記人
registration (of securities) 登記(證券)
registration statement 證券上市公司報表
regression equation 迴歸方程式
regressive tax 累退稅
regular client 常年委託人
regular price 正常價格
rehabilitation 修復
reimbursable expenditure 可收回支出,墊付款
reimbursement 補償,歸墊
reinsurance 再保險
reinvestment 重投資
rejectable quality level,RQL 不合格的品質水準(統計品質控制)
related company,affiliated company 聯絡公司
related cost 有關成本
related fund 關聯基金
relative efficiency 相對效能
relative value 相對價值
released (of mortgage) 解除(抵押)
relevance 攸關
relevant cost 攸關成本
relevant costing 攸關成本法
relief 解除責任
relief fund reserve 救助基金準備
relief method 替換法