(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 4401 到 4500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
surplus from donation 捐贈盈餘
surplus from forfeited stock 沒收股本盈餘
surplus from profit,earned surplus 營業盈餘
surplus fund 盈餘資金
surplus not for dividend purpose 非派股利之盈餘
surplus on appreciation of capital assets 固定資產漲價盈餘
surplus or deficit of appropriation 經費餘絀
surplus or deficit of budget 歲計餘絀
surplus receipts 剩餘收入,額外收入
surplus reconciliation statement 盈餘調節表
surplus reserve 盈餘準備,剩餘準備
surplus statement 盈餘表
surplus-fund warrant 餘款停止支用通知
surrender value,cash surrender value 退保金,退保現值
surtax 附加稅
survey fee 公證費,檢驗費
surviving company 承替公司
survivor-life curve,mortality curve 壽年曲線
suspense account 暫記帳
suspense credits 暫記貸項,暫收款
suspense debits 暫記借項,暫付款
suspense fund 暫記基金
suspension (of the sale of securities) 停止出售證券
sustain,incur 發生
symbolization 標號
symbolization of accounts 帳目標號
symbolizing system 標號制度
symbols 標記
syndicate 銀團
synoptic 日記分類帳
synthetic product 合成產品
system 制度,系統
system analysis 制度分析,系統分析
system building,system installation 制度設置
system designing,system planning 制度設計
system of accounts 會計制度
system of automatic internal audit 內部自動審核制度
system of cost accumulation 成本積聚制度
systematic sampling 系統選樣法
systematizor 制度設計人
T-account 丁字帳
tabular book 表式簿
tabular ledger,tabulated ledger,Boston ledger 表式分類帳,波士頓分類帳
tabulating machine 列表機
tag 標纖
taking inventory 盤存
tally card 材料計數卡(盤點存貨用
tangible asset 有形資產
tangible personal property 動產
tangible value 有形資產價值
tare 皮重,包裝重量
target cost,standard cost 標準成本
target price 基本價格
tariff 稅則
tax 賦稅
tax accounting 稅務會計
tax agency fund 賦稅代理基金
tax allocation 所得稅期間歸屬
tax allocation within a period 所得稅當期歸屬
tax certificate 欠稅財產承受證
tax credit 抵減稅額
tax deed 欠稅財產契據交付證
tax lien certificate,tax certificate 賦稅留置權狀,欠稅財產承受證
tax liens 賦稅留置權
tax liens receivable 應收賦稅留置權
tax notes,tax anticipation notes 賦稅庫券,賦稅抵償庫券
tax on undistributed profit 未分配盈餘稅
tax rate 稅率
tax rate limit 稅率限度
tax roll 賦稅清冊
tax sale certificate,tax certificate 欠稅財產拍賣證,欠稅財產承受證
tax supplement 地方附加稅
tax-anticipation note,tax-anticipation warrant 賦稅抵償庫券
tax-free profit 免稅利益
taxable income 課稅所得
taxable profit 應稅利潤
taxable year 課稅年度
taxes accrued 應計稅捐
taxes collected in advance 預收賦稅
taxes levied for other governmental unit 代征他級政府賦稅
taxes paid in advance 預付賦稅
taxes receivable-current 應收當期賦稅
taxes receivable-delinquent 應收過期賦稅
technical allowance or assistance 技術援助
technical contract 技術合約
technical form of profit and loss statement 技術式損益表,帳戶式損益表
technological life 技術壽命
telegraphic transfer,TT 電匯
telephone and telegraph 電話電報
teller 出納
temporary advances 暫記預支
temporary budget 假預算
temporary credit 暫收款項
temporary debit 暫付款項
temporary fund 臨時基金
temporary investment 短期投資
temporary loans 暫時借款
temporary payments 暫付款
temporary proprietorship accounts 暫記業主權益帳戶
temporary receipts 暫收款