(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 4884 筆資料,顯示第 601 到 700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
bi-statement ratios 兩表比率
bid price 標價
bid sheet 投標人名單
bill 帳單,票據
bill discounted 票據貼現,貼現票據
bill discounted with collateral securities 附擔保票據貼現,附擔保貼現票據
bill of exchange 匯票
bill of lading,B/L 提單
bill of material 規定用料單
bill of sale 買賣契約
bill payable 應付票據
bill receivable 應收票據
bill rediscounted 票據再貼現,再貼現票據
billing 開單,開發票
billing machine 開發票機
bin tag 櫥櫃分格標籤,櫥櫃標籤
binding ledger 訂本式分類帳
black market price 黑市價格
blank endorsement 空白背書
blanket insurance 統保
blind entry 無說明的分錄
block method (for controlling accounts) 分段統制帳法
blocked currency 管制通貨
blotter 草帳
blue-sky law 青天法(美各州證券發行法之通稱)
board of directors 董事會
BOM,beginning of month 月初
bond 債券,保結
bond anticipation notes 債券抵償庫券
bond coupon 債券息票
bond discount unamortized 未攤銷債券折價
bond dividend 債券股利(以債券支付的股利)
bond fund 債券基金,公債基金
bond indentures 債券信託契約
bond interest 債券利息
bond investment 債券投資
bond notes 債券式票據
bond ordinance or resolution 債券法案
bond premium 債券溢價
bond register 債券登記簿
bond subscription 債券認購書
bond valuation 債券評價,債券計價
bonded debt,bonded indebtedness 債券債務
bonds authorized and unissued 未發額定債券
bonds-outstanding method (of amortizing bond discount) 現負債額法(攤銷債券折價)
bonus 獎金,紅利,加給
bonus bond 紅利債券(用以給付紅利之債券)
bonus stock 紅股
book cost 帳面成本
book debt 帳面債務
book entry 帳面記錄
book inventory 帳面盤存,帳面存貨
book loss 帳面損失
book of final entry 終結帳簿,分類帳
book of first record 原始帳簿
book of original documents for payments 支付憑證簿
book of original documents for payments for receipts 收入憑證簿
book of original entry 原始帳簿
book of secondary entry 轉記帳簿
book profit 帳面利益
book surplus 帳面盈餘
book value 帳面價值
bookings 未交定貨
bookkeeper 簿記員
bookkeeping 簿記,簿記學
bookkeeping by card system 卡片式簿記制
bookkeeping system 簿記制度
bookkeeping transaction 簿記事項
book,book of account 帳簿
boot 附加財產,補償財產
bordereau 摘錄簿
Boston ledger 波士頓式分類帳
boycott 抵制
BOY,beginning of year 年初
branch accounting 分支店會計
branch accounts 分支店帳目
branch cash account 分支店現金帳戶
branch consignments,branch shipments 寄交分支店貨物
branch control account 分支店統制帳戶
branch ledger 分支店分類帳
branch office general account 分支店往來帳
branch office report 分支店報告
break-up value 折卸價值
breakdown 細數,次序,損壞,分裂
breakeven analysis 兩平分析
breakeven chart 損益兩平圖
broker 經紀人(證券商)
broker's loan 經紀人貸款
brokerage commission 經紀人傭金
brought forward 承前
budget 預算
budget document 預算書,預算檔
budget law 預演算法
budget manual 預算手冊
budget message 預算諮文
budget period 預算期間
budget procedure 預算程式
budget statement 預算表
budget system 預算制度
budget variance 預算差異(標準成本制)