(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 1201 到 1300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Circular spade 圓鋤
Circulation 循環
Circulation of sap 樹液流通
Circulation period 流動期
Circulation test 循環試驗
Circumference at the height of the eye 目高周圍
Circumference type 直徑卷尺
Cirrhus 卷鬚
Citral 檸檬精
Citron (Citrus medica, Linn.) 枸櫞
City forestry 都市林業
City park 都市公園
City-planning 都市計畫
Civic beauty 都市美
Civic landscape 都市風景
Clammy locust (Robinia viscosa vent) 小洋槐
Clamp-screw 制動螺旋
Clapboard 簷板,天花板
Class of formations 植物?落分級
Class sample-tree 中央木
Clay soil 粘土
Clayslate 粘板岩
Clean-boled 無枝的
Clean-cutting method 皆伐法
Clean-seed 去肉種子
Clean-stemmed 無枝節的
Cleaning 除伐
Cleaning in small growth 除伐
Cleaning of land 開墾
Cleaning of seeds 種子精選
Cleaning-cutting 除伐
Clear 上等材
Clear cutting 皆伐
Clear cutting by strips 帶狀皆伐
Clear cutting method 皆伐法
Clear felling 皆伐
Clear felling method 皆伐法
Clear felling system 皆伐作業
Clear length 枝下高
Clear log 幹材
Clear trunk 樹幹
Clear-boled 無枝的
Clear-cutting high-forest system 喬林皆伐作業
Clear-felled area 皆伐面積
Cutter 削切器
Clearance of the lower branches 打枝
Clearance of wood from land 林地整治
Clearing 集材
Clearing a felling area 集材
Clearness of bole 無枝幹材
Cleat cutting system 皆伐作業
Cleavability 劈裂性
Cleavability of wood 木材之劈裂性
Cleavable 易劈的
Cleavage 劈裂
Cleavage strength of wood 木材之劈裂強度
Cleaving-axe 劈斧
Clerotic cells 強韌細胞
Click-beetle 叩頭蟲
Climate 氣候
Climatic 氣候的
Climatic climax community 氣候的極盛社會
Climatic factor 氣候因子
Climatic indicator 氣候指標
Climatic optimum 氣候最適宜
Climatic plant formation 氣候的植物?落
Climatic variety 氣候的變種
Climax community 極盛社會
Climber 攀緣植物
Climbing plant 攀緣植物
Climbing shrub 藤本植物
Climbing-iron 攀樹器
Clime 氣候
Clinging root 氣根
Closed 密鬱閉(0.8-1.0)
Closed community 密生社會
Closed piling 實體積
Closed planting 密植
Closed time 禁獵期
Closed vegetation 閉生植物?
Closed-grained wood 細紋材
Closed-stand 鬱閉林
Closing 鬱閉
Closing of root 根之密集
Closing of standing Crop 林木之鬱閉
Clostridium 氮固定菌
Cloth alarm (Vitex qutnata, F. N. Will.) 薄姜木
Clove 丁香
Clove oil 丁香油
Clove-tree (Eugenia aromatica, Baill.) ?舌香
Cloven timber 割材
Clump 叢藪
Clump-connection 控子體
Cluster 簇生
Cluster-pine (Pinus pinaster, Sol.) 法國海岸松
Clutch 傳動轉軸
Co-dominant 次優勢木
Co-efficient of contraction 收縮係數
Coal-mouse 四十雀