(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 1301 到 1400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Coal-tar 煤焦油
Coal-tar pitch 煤焦油瀝青
Coalescence 癒合
Coalescent pit aperture 合生紋孔隙
Coarse-grained 粗紋的
Coarse-grained wood 粗紋材
Coarse-textured 粗紋的
Coast Redwood 紅杉
Coast-dune 海岸砂丘
Coating material 被覆劑
Cocaine 高卡鹼
Cockspur coral-tree (Erythrina crista-galli, Linn.) 象牙紅刺桐
Coco nut (Cocos nucifera, Linn.) 椰子
Cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.) 毒檀
Coconut-oil 椰子油
Coefficient of deformation 變形係數
Coefficient of safety 安全率
Coefficient of strain 應力(內傷)係數
Coefficient of velocity 速度係數
Coffee-tree (Coffea arabica, L.) 咖啡樹
Cohesive strength 凝聚力
Coil-condenser 蛇管冷?器
Cola 可樂茶素(cola acuminata 種子所含之茶素)
Cold forest zone 寒帶林帶
Cold grind 冷碎
Cold water condenser 冷水冷?器
Cold-prass oil 冷壓油
Collapse 崩潰
Collecting basin 集水地
Collecting channel 集水溝
Collecting place 集材場
Collecting-place for wood 木材停留場
Collodion cotton 弱硝化棉
Collodion silk 硝酸人造絲
Colonnade 列柱
Colonnen apparatus 酒精蒸溜塔
Colophany 固松脂
Colophony 固松脂
Colorado white fir (Abics concolor, Parry.) 考羅拉陀冷杉
Colorimeter 比色計
Coloring 著色
Colour reaction 呈色反應
Colouring matter 色素
Columbia river log scale 哥倫比亞流域圓材材積表
Comb-grained 徑斷面
Combination header and return-bend system 管列迴曲式
Combination of forest and field-crops 間作林葉
Combination of forestal and agricultural crops 間作林業
Combined cropping system 喬林混農作業
Combined framework 折衷平分法
Combined period method 折衷平分法
Combined system of field crops and high fores 喬林混農作業
Combined system of fieldcrops and coppice 矮林混農作業
Combustibility 可燃性
Commercial veneer 表面薄板
Common 普通材,入會權
Common alder (Alnus glutionsa, Gartn.) 歐洲赤楊
Common apple (Malus pumila, Mill.) 西洋苹果
Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior, L.) 歐洲梣
Common banana (Musa paradisiaca var.sapientum, Kuntze.) 香蕉
Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica, L.) 歐洲水青岡
Common box tree (Buxus sempervirens, Linn.) 錦熟黃楊
Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica, Linn.) 藥鼠李
Common Cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris) 金龜子之一種
Common coffee 咖啡樹
Common cotton wood (Populus balsamifera, L. Var. virginiana, Sarg.) 膠白楊
Common elm (Ulmus campestris L.) 大葉榆
Common form-factor 胸高形數
Common frater
Common Horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum, Linn.) 歐洲七葉樹
Common jujube(Zizyphus jujuba, Mill.)
Common juniper (Juniperus communis, Linn.) 杜松
Common Larch (Larix europea, D. C.) 歐洲落葉松
Common lay 反撚
Common maple (Acer compestre, L.) 田槭
Common morel (Morchella esculenta, L.) 食用菌
Common of estovers 木材採伐權
Common of pasture 放牧權
Common osier (Salix viminalis, Linn.) 清鋼柳
Common pear (Pyrus communis, Linn.) 西洋梨
Common spruce (Picea excelsa, L.) 歐洲雲杉
Common tooth 三角鋸齒
Common white jasmine (Jasminum officinale, Linn.) 素方花
Common-sallow (Salix caprea, Linn.) 黃花柳
Communal forest 公有林
Communal habitat ?落生育地
Communal land 公有地
Commutation 解除
Commutation by agreement 協定解除
Companion cells 伴胞
Compartment 林班
Compartment kiln 分室乾燥室
Compartment line 區劃線
Compartment system 大面積傘代作業
Compartment under regeneration 更新地
Compass surveying 羅盤儀測量
Compass-timber 曲幹材
Compensating planimeter 校正測面儀
Competition 競爭
Complete intermittent working 全期間斷作業