(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 1401 到 1500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Complete working cooperative society 完全施業合作社
Composite beam 木鐵組成桁
Composite forest 中林
Composite forest method 中林法
Composite system 中林作業
Compost 堆肥
Compound beam 集成桁
Compound coppice 中林
Compound middle lamella 複合中間膜
Compound ray 混合髓(輻射)線
Compressibility modulus 體積彈性係數
Compression 壓縮
Compression -member 抗壓材
Compression failure 波狀皺裂
Compression wood 生壓材
Compressive strength 抗壓強
Compressive strength parallel to the grain 木材縱壓強
Compressive stress 抗壓力
Compulsory commutation 強制解除
Concentrated load 集中荷重
Concrete dam 混凝土霸
Condensed water 凝結水
Condenser 冷?器
Condenser 凝縮率
Condensing coil 冷卻卷管
Condensing kiln 冷?乾燥室
Conditioning treatment 條件處理法
Conductivity 傳導度
Conduit 暗渠排水
Cone of avalanche 圓錐狀頹雪
Cone of debris 圓錐狀岩片堆
Cone-bearer 針葉樹
Cone-bearing tree 針葉樹
Cone-sowing 毬果直播
Confined 定在種
Confluent type 合生型
Conid 旋轉體
Conidia 分生胞子
Conidiophore 擔子梗
Conifer 針葉樹
Coniferine 松柏樹材之糖原質
Coniferous forest 針葉樹林
Coniferous plants 松柏科植物
Coniferous tree 針葉樹
Coniferous wood 針葉樹材
Connecting-rod 連接桿
Conoe cedar (Thuja plicata, Don.) 美國西部側柏
Consigned state forest 委託林
Consistency 結合度
Consociation 單叢
Consocie 中途單叢
Constancy 常現度
Constant forest-labourer 長工
Constant wind 常風
Constants 常現種
Construction timber for earth-work 土工用材
Construction timber for water work 水工用材
Construction-timber 建築用材
Contact arm 接觸腕
Contact insecticide 接觸殺蟲劑
Contents of resin 含脂量
Continental method 大陸法
Continuous feeding 連續推進
Continuous forest 保續林
Continuous forest method 保續林施業法
Continuous propulsion 連續推進
Contour-line 等高線
Contract-labour 包工
Contract-wages 工價
Contracted-weir 縮流堰
Contractor 承包者
Contravention of forest-police 森林違警法
Control method 查對法
Control of silviculture 營林監督
Control piece 對照材
Control-book 查對簿
Controling measure 驅除法
Controlled perscribed burning 計畫的燒除
Conversion 造材
Conversion (of timber) 製材
Conversion period 作業變更期
Convert 造材
Conveyor 運輸器
Conveyor chains 運輸鏈
Conveyor type veneer dryer 運輸式膠板乾燥機
Cooler 冷?器
Cooling in atmosphere 大氣冷?
Cooper's-wood 桶材
Coordinates 經緯距
Coordinates method 經緯距法
Copal 貝殼杉(Agathisalba)根部樹脂
Copper acetate 醋酸銅
Copper process 銅法人造絲製造法
Copper-soap 銅鹼液
Coppice 矮林
Coppice forest 矮林
Coppice selection system 矮林擇法作業
Coppice shoot sprout 萌芽
Coppice system 矮林作業
Coppice with field crops system 矮林混農作業