(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 1501 到 1600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Coppice with standards 中林
Coppice with standards system 中林作業
Coppice wood 矮林
Coppice-land 矮林地
Coppice-method 矮林法
Coprah 椰子仁乾
Copra椰子 (cocos nucifera) 仁乾
Copse 中林,萌芽
Cor duroy road 木桿道
Coral-vine 紫苞藤
Corallita (Antigonon leptopus, Hook&Arn.) 紫苞藤
Corbel 枕梁
Corcassian walnut (Juglans regia, Linn.) 胡桃
Cord wood 層積材
Cord-measure 層積(4x4x8=128立方呎材積)
Cordate 心臟形的
Cording 層積
Cordlichen 絲質地衣
Core 中心材
Core of dam 堤埧心壁
Core veneer 心木薄板
Corean pine (Pinus Koraiensis, Sieb, et. Zuce) 朝鮮松,紅松,海松
Coriaceous 革質的
Cork 木栓
Cork oak (Quercus suber, L.) 栓皮櫟
Cork products 栓製品
Cork wood (Ochroma lagopus, Sw.) 輕木
Cork-barked douglas spruce (Pseudotsuga taxifolia, Britt.) 洋松
Cork-board 木栓板
Cork-carpet 木栓氈
Cork-elm (Ulmus Thomasi, Sarg.) 岩榆
Cork-stone 栓造石
Cork-tree 栓皮櫟
Corol 花冠
Corolla 花冠
Corporation forest 社團林
Correction factor 修正率
Correction of torrent 野溪工事
Correlation of growth 生長相關作用
Corrosion 橫浸蝕
Corrosive sublimate 氯化汞
Cortex 肉皮層
Corymb 繖房花序
Cost insurance and freight (略寫 C. I. F.) 貨物運到價格
Cost of formation 造林費
Cost of transportation 運費
Cost value 費用價
Cost value of forest 森林費用價
Cost value of forest of a single stand 單獨林森林費用價
Cost value of forest of normal working section 法正作業級之森林費用價
Cost value of forest soil 土地費用價
Cost value of mormal growing stock 法正蓄積費用價
Cost value of soil 土地費用價
Cost value of stand 林木費用價
Cost-value of the growingstock of a single wood 單獨林林木費用價
Costs of harvesting 伐木造林費
Costs of hauling 運費
Costs of planting 造林費
Costs of reproduction 造林費
Costs of transport 運費
Cotton Rose (Hibiscus mutabilis, Linn.) 木芙蓉
Cotton tree (Bombax malabaricum, DC.) 木棉
Cotton wood (Populus deltoides, Marsh.) 白楊
Cotton-gum (Nyssa aquatica, L.) 紫樹
Cottonwood (Populus fremontii, Wats.) 富來孟楊
Cotyledon 子葉
Coubustibility of wood 木材燃力
Coulter pine (Pinus Coulter, Lamb) 考爾泰松
Count method 計數法,大陸法
Counter current principle 逆流原理
Counter-current condenser 逆流冷?器
Counter-dam 前埧
Counter-fire 迎火
Counter-firing 迎火
Counterfort 拱柱
Counting method 計數法,大陸法
Country park 國家公園
Country-road 國道
Coupe 伐區
Coupling 軸接,連結機
Coursed ashlar walling 整層積
Cover-overheaded 鬱閉
Covered land 被覆地
Cow-oak 宓氏櫟
Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Linn.) 越橘
Crack 縮裂
Crack-willow (Salix fragilis, L.) 碎柳
Craft raft clause 艀筏條款
Crane 起重機
Crassulae (Bars of sanio) Sanio 線
Credit note 賒購單
Creeper 攀緣植物,葡萄莖
Creeping Pine (Pinus alb caulis, Engelm.) 葡萄松
Creeping plant 葡萄植物
Creeping stem 攀緣植物,葡萄莖
Creosote ?油
Creosote oil ?油
Crepit 木材保存劑一種
Cresentic dune 偃月狀砂丘