(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 1701 到 1800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Curly grains 波紋
Current accretion 現實生長量
Current annual 連年的
Current annual forest percent 指率,連年收利率
Current annual growth 連年生長
Current annual increment 連年生長量
Current annual rate of interest 連年收利率
Current increment 現實生長量
Curvature 屈曲
Curve of logs 幹曲線
Curve of pressure 壓力曲線 ,應力曲線
Curve of resistance 應力曲線
Curve setting 曲線設定法
Curve strip-cutting system 曲線帶伐法
Curved dam 曲線壩
Curved saw 孤狀鋸
Curved timber 曲幹材
Curvimeter 曲線計
Customary quick 趕運
Cut over 主伐
Cut test 切斷試驗(種子)
Cut up 帶伐
Cut with the axe 圍伐
Cut-stone masonry 砌石工
Cut-surface 裁面
Cutin 角質
Cutlass 捕鹿者
Cutocellulose 角質纖維素
Cutting 伐木,掘取,插條
Cutting age 伐採齡
Cutting area 伐區,伐採面
Cutting cycle" 循環期,回歸年
Cutting for dry wood 枯死木伐採
Cutting hardness 削切硬度
Cutting height 伐採高度
Cutting in advance 前伐
Cutting of cancer trees 癌腫木伐採
Cutting series 伐採列區,伐採順序
Cutting test 切斷試驗(種子)
Cutting-blank 伐採地
Cutting-plan 伐採計畫
Cutting-plan map 伐採計畫圖
Cutting-plan of by-product 副產物利用計畫
Cutting-section 伐採列區
Cutting-series map 伐採列區圖
Cuttings operated under shelter wood system 傘伐作業
Cutworm 夜盜蟲
Cyanogenetic glucoside 氰酸糖原質
Cylinder 圓柱體,圓筒
Cylinder machine 圓網機
Cylinder shave machine 圓網機
Cylinder table 圓柱表
Cylinders and multiple table 圓柱表
Cylindrical 直幹形
Cyme 聚繖花序
Cypress 柏類
Cypress Swamps 柏沼
D. A. P. (即documents against payment之略) 支付書
D. E. H. (即diameter at height of the eye之略) 目高直徑
D/A, D. A. A. (即Documents against acceptance之略) 提貨單
Dahurian larch (Larix dahurica,Turcz.) 黃花松
Dahurian rhododendron (Rhododendron dahuricum, Linn.) 野杜鵑花
Dai-dai (Citrus aurantium, var.amara. Engl.) 代代花
Dam for driving timbers 積水壩
Damage by caterpillars 蛅?食害
Damage by drought 旱害
Damage by forest-insects 蟲害
Damage by frost 霜害
Damage by fume ?害
Damage by game 野獸食害
Damage by hail 雹害
Damage by hoar frost 冰柱害
Damage by insects 蟲害
Damage by lighting strike 閃電害
Damage by lightning 閃電害
Damage by snow 積雪害
Damage by storm 暴風害
Damage by wind 風害
Damage caused by games 野獸害
Damage done by severe frost 嚴重霜害
Damar 腦龍香樹脂
Dammar 腦龍香樹脂
Dammar-tree (Agathis alba, Foxw.) 貝殼杉
Damming of torrents 野溪工事,砂防工事
Damper 加溼門
Damper lever 加溼門槓桿
Damping-off 立炫f
Damping-off of seedling 苗木立炫f
Dark felling 濃蔭伐採
Darkening 暗色化
Date of maturity 成熟期
Date of ripening 成熟期
Date of seeding 插種期
Date palm (phoenix dactylifera, Linn.) 棗椰子
Date-plum (Diospyros lotus, Linn.) 君遷子(軟棗)
Daumen" 傳導歪輪
Dead and dry streak" 條紋
Dead and dying trees 枯死木
Dead cell 死細胞
Dead load 靜荷重