(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 1801 到 1900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Dead standing tree 枯立木
Dead-wood 沈材,沈木
Deal 鋪板
Deal frame-saw 小型框鋸
Death watch 粉茶柱蟲
Death-up (Amanita phalloides Fr.) 玉子天狗茸
Decay 腐朽
Decayed timber 腐朽木
Deciduous shrub with perennial rootstock 多年生落葉灌木
Deciduous tree 落葉樹
Deck-bridge 上托橋
Declination 偏差
Decoction method ?沸法
Decolourising carbon 脫色炭
Decolourising property 脫色性
Decomposition 分解
Decoy 媒鳥
Decumbent 橫臥狀,葡萄狀
Decussate arrangement of leaves 對生葉序
Deep 深(24-36吋)
Deep torn grain 深裂紋(深1/8吋以上之裂縫)
Deep-rooted 深根的
Deep-rootedness 深根性
Deepness of soil 土壤深度
Defect 疵傷
Defect in wood 木材疵傷
Deficiency of growing stock 積蓄不足
Definition 明瞭度(定義)
Deflection 撓曲
Defoliated 落葉的
Defoliation 落葉
Defolite 落葉
Deforestation 濫伐
Deformation 變形
Degeneration 退化
Degree of closeness 鬱閉度
Degree of closing ?密度
Degree of density ?密度
Degree of purity 純度
Degree of ripeness 成熟度
Degree of saturation 飽和度
Degree of stocking 立木度
Degree of thinning ?伐度
Dehiscent fruit 裂果
Delayed germination 遲延發芽
Delimitation 境界查定
Demand of wood 木材之需要
Demarc(k)ation 境界查定
Demonstration-forest 示範林
Demurrage 逾期費
Dendrologist 樹木學家
Dendrology 樹木學
Dendrometer 測樹器
Dendrometry 測樹學
Dense crop 密度鬱閉
Dense stand 密度鬱閉(
Density of crop 林分?密度
Density of crown cover 樹冠?密度
Density of stocking 立木度,林分密度
Density of the crop 立木度
Density of wood 木材密度
Dentate 齒狀
Denudation 濫伐
Denzin's method 自乘法
Deodar ceder (Cedrus deodara, Loud.) 雪松
Department of Forestry 林務署,森林(學)系
Depot 土場
Depth of soil 土壤深度
Derivation (of water) 排水
Derrick 迴旋起重機
Descent 系統
Description of compartments 林況記載
Description of crop 林況記載
Description of forest 林況記載
Description of locality 地況記載
Desert gum (Eucalyptus rudis, Endl.) 圓葉按樹
Desiccated coconut 爐乾可可椰子仁
Desiccator 乾燥器
Despaissis process 銅法人造絲製造法
Destruction by caterpillars 蛅?食害
Destructive distillation 乾餾
Destructive lumbering 濫伐
Destructive working 濫伐
Detail plan 基本施業案
Detailed account 說明書
Detailed conversion of wood 製材
Deterioration 凋萎
Determination of cut 採伐預定
Determination and regulation of the yield 收額預定法
Determination of future value 後價算定
Determination of protection forests 保安林決定法
Determination of the quality of locality 地位查定
Determination of volume 求積法
Determination of volume by means of diameter-classes 直徑級求積法
Determination of volume by means of height-classes 樹高級求級法
Determination of volume by means of sample-plots 標準地求積法
Determination of volume of tree 樹木求積法
Determination of volume of whole woods 林分材積測定法
Determination of yield 伐採量測定法
Detonator 雷管