(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 5501 到 5600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Refuse 工廠廢材
Refuse from fellings 殘材
Refuse wood 工廠廢材
Regenerated forest under group system 劃伐林
Regenerated forest under pollarding method 截頭木材
Regenerated forest under shelter-wood system 傘伐材
Regenerated forest under strip system 帶狀林
Regeneration 更新
Regeneration after removal of old growth 後更新
Regeneration area 更新地
Regeneration by compartments 傘伐更新法
Regeneration by groups 劃伐更新
Regeneration by stem-shoots 截枝更新法
Regeneration by strip-felling 帶伐更新
Regeneration felling 更新
Regeneration under clear cutting system 皆伐更新
Regeneration under coppice system 矮林更新
Regeneration under group system 劃伐更新
Regeneration under pollarding method 截頭木更新
Regeneration under selection system 擇伐更新
Regeneration under shelterwood system 傘伐更新
Regeneration under sprout method 萌芽更新
Regeneration under strip system 帶狀更新
Regeneration-class 更新級
Regeneration-coupe 更新區
Regeneration-cutting 更新伐,主伐
Regeneration-period 更新期
Regeneratory cutting 更新伐,主伐
Region of climatic optimum 氣候最適區
Regional planning 區域計劃
Registration of the felling produce 檢尺登記
Registration of the yield 檢尺,伐採檢查
Regrowth 後生樹
Regular cutting 預定的伐採
Regular forest 同齡林
Regular planting 正方形植樹
Regular revision 普通檢訂
Regular wind 常風
Regulation of cut 收穫預定
Regulation of felling budget 收穫預定
Regulation of servitude 使用權整理
Regulation of yield 收穫預定
Regulation period 更正期
Reinforced concrete 鐵筋混凝土
Reinforcement 鐵筋
Reinforcing-bar 主筋
Relative disease 實用病
Relative forest land 相對林地
Relative forest soil 相對林地
Relative humidity table 比較溼度表
Relay 繼電器
Relict 遺存植物
Relief of casehardening 材面殭化之消除
Relief-map 凸凹地圖
Remarks 追加條款,摘要
Remedy of casehardening 材面殭化之消除
Remnants 遺存植物
Remote factor 間隔因子
Removal 皆伐,終伐
Removal felling 後伐
Removal into nursery line 移植
Removal of forest litter 枯枝層利用
Removal of stumps 掘根
Removal of wings 脫翅
Removal sod right 林地採草權
Removal-cutting 後伐,終伐
Remove the bark in strips 條狀剝皮
Removing time 集材時期
Removing wood on wheeled conveyances 車輛運材
Renascent herbs 宿根草本
Renewal of working plan 施業案檢訂
Rent 租稅,租金
Rent of growing stock 林木收入
Rent of soil 土地租金
Rental 同Rent
Rental of stumpage 林木收利
Rental value 租稅價
Rental value of forest of normal working section 法正作業級森林租稅價
Repair of road 道路修繕
Repairing of road 道路修繕
Repeating method 複測法
Repeating theodolite 複測經緯儀
Replacement of air 空氣置換
Replanting 補植
Representative area 標準地
Reproducting area 造林地
Reproducting class 更新級
Reproducting periods 更新期間
Reproduction 更新,生殖
Reproduction by tending treatments 撫育更新
Reproduction-cutting 更新伐
Reproduction-felling 更新伐
Reproduction-period 更新伐
Reproductive power form stools 萌芽力
Reservation 保留地
Reserve 保留地,預備林,獵區
Reserve seed method 保殘木作業
Reserve sprout forest 中林
Reserve sprout system 中林作業
Reserve tree method 保殘木作業