(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 5801 到 5900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Rough log 粗材
Rough stone 粗石
Rough-hew 粗披
Round billet 小圓材
Round billet wood 小圓材
Round knot 圓節
Round knot 圓節
Round kumquat (Fortunella japonica, Swingle.) 圓金柑
Round timber 圓材
Round-headed borer 天牛
Round-log 圓材
Rounding (=Rounding off ) 括約
Row planting 行植
Rowan-tree 花楸樹
Royal poinciana 鳳凰木
Rubber 橡膠
Rubble -pavement 粗石鋪工
Rubble masonry 粗石工
Rueping process 空細胞法
Ruffed joint 摺合接
Rugosa(Rosa rugosa, Thunb.) 玫瑰
Ruinous exploitation 濫伐
Rules of forest-police 林警規程
Ruling stem 支配木,優勢木
Runner 匍匐枝
Running 裝卸功程
Rust disease 銹病
Rust-fungi 銹菌類
Rust-fungus 銹病菌,銹菌
Rustic siding 被雨板,簷板
Rutger's process 鋅與木焦油注入法
Saccharification of wood 木材醣化
Saccharose 蔗糖
Sack-boom 囊狀擋柵
Sacrose 蔗糖
Saddle-planting 畦植
Saddle-tree(Linriodendron tulipifera L.) 鵝掌楸
Saddler's wood 橋桁,枕梁
Safe working stress 安全應力
Safety belt 保護地帶
Safety factor 安全率
Safety-fuse 導火線
Safety-strip 保護地帶
Safety-valve 安全瓣
Safranine 鹽基性赤染素
Safrol 擦樹精油
Sago 西殼[由西殼椰子(Metroxyion Sagu.)樹幹所產之澱粉]
Sagop alm (Metroxylon sagu, Rottb.) 西殼椰子
Sakhu (Shorea , G.) 娑羅雙樹
Sal 娑羅雙樹
Sal-tree 娑羅雙樹
Sale at fixed rates 定價銷售
Sale at tariff prices 定價銷售
Sale by area 立木完全出賣
Sale by detail 製品出賣
Sale by private contract 立約出賣
Sale by royalty 定價銷售
Sale by sealed tender 標售
Sale by successively increased bids 比價出賣
Sale by unit of pro duce 立木部分出賣
Sale of standing trees 立木出賣
Sale of wood 木材出賣
Sale to the highest bidder 競賣
Sale value 買賣價
Sale value of growing stock 林木買賣價
Sale value of normal growing stock 法正蓄積買賣價
Sale value of soil 土地買賣價
Sale-lot of numbers of pieces 計數銷售
Sale-lot of separate pieces 個別計數銷售
Sale-value of forest soil 林地買賣價
Sale-value of the growing stock 林木買賣價
Salicin(e) 楊柳屬醣原質
Saman 雨豆樹
Samara 翅果
Sambucus 接骨木類
Sample area 標準地
Sample board 樣板
Sample plot 標準地
Sample tree 標準木
Sample-plot survey 標準地調查
Sample-tree age 標準木齡
Sand pear (Pyrus serotina, Rehd.) 沙梨
Sand-bank 沙洲
Sand-barren 沙漠
Sand-binder 沙草
Sand-drift 流砂
Sand-grass 沙草
Sand-hill 沙丘
Sand-pine (Pinus clausa, Sargent) 沙松
Sandal-wood (Santalum album, Linn.) 檀香(白檀)
Sandalwood oil 白檀油
Sanders 檀香(白檀)
Sanders oil 白檀油
Sandy soil 砂土
Sandy soil vegetation 砂土植物?
Santalene 白檀精油
Santaline 紅木色素
Santalol 白檀精油
Sap 樹液
Sap gum(Eucalyptus corynocalyx, F. Muell.) 糖桉樹